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TW: Violence, blood. Please don't read if you are easily triggered by an abuse situation! Enjoy (i guess)

Bas' POV

I stared at the incoming call. It was Tyler- he just left, surely he couldn't be missing us already. I put the phone quickly to my ear.


"Hi, Bas." His voice was quiet and he sounded a little shaken.

"Are you okay?"

"Not so much." I heard him swallow and try to speak again but only a croak came out.

"What's happened?"

"Uh- someone spraypainted on my door... I think... I don't know... Red paint.." He said in a garbled rush. Korey was sitting up, looking at my concerned expression and chewing absently on the inside of his cheek.

"What did it say, Ty?" I said, sitting up a little straighter. Cogs were starting to whir in my mind.. What if...

"It said st-stay away."

I held the phone away from my ear and swore quietly. Poor Tyler. That must be really messing with his head now. I knew him well enough to be certain it was gnawing away at his brain at the moment.

"OK. That's OK. Probably just teenagers, right? You know what they're like." Laughing awkwardly, I listened for any sound on the other side of the phone.

It was silent.

Then, a voice I knew very well came crackling down the line.

"Hi, boyfriend.." slurred the deep, menacing growl.

"Jason...?" I said in disbelief. "Where's Tyler? What the hell is going on?"

"Oh, Tyler's fine.. We're just having a nice chat... Aren't we Tillly?" he drew out the L's in Tilly, and the use of Troye's nickname for him made my blood boil.

"Why the fuck are you in his apartment?" I raged. Korey beside me laid a hand on my knee and there were unspoken questions in his eyes. I shook my head, desperately listening down the phone. I could hear Tyler's voice, slightly muffled, but it didn't seem scared. My heart swelled with pride at his braveness. But something had to be done, and fast. Jason sounded drunk and he could be violent.

"Can I speak to Tyler?" I asked calmly.

"I don't think so babe," he giggled. I could almost smell the alcohol on his breath, even though we were on different sides of the estate.

"What are you doing there?" I saod through gritted teeth. I really hoped Tyler was okay. I couldn't bear if something happened to him..

"We're just..y'know.. Hanging out." I could hear the smirk in his voice and bristled with rage. A crash of glass rang across the phone and I jumped, my eyes widening. "Jason? Tyler?"

"The fuck?" The muffled voice I recognised as Tyler's.

"Shut up," Jason shouted. Another crash sounded. That was it. I wasn't gonna just sit there.

I hung up abruptly and ran out of the room, yelling at Korey to follow me. He looked confused but obliged quickly, kicking on his shoes. The race was on. What could Jason do to Tyler before we got there? And it's not like we could stop him anyway, us not being macho or scary in any way.

"What's going on?" Korey locked the apartment with fumbling fingers. I was already gone, striding over to my car. The engine roared to life.

"Jason," The one-word answer was enough. I had told Korey all about Jason and I's relationship, if you could call it that. Jason was a fiercely jealous and protective person by nature. I used to find it cute, but lately it had become... aggressive. Especially with a drink in hand.

Tilly's Boy - A Troyler FicWhere stories live. Discover now