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It's hard to avoid people who are staying in the same house. Troye was learning this quickly as he replied to my questions with monosyllabic answers and averted his eyes when I walked into the room. Ever since the disastrous Halloween party where I had basically confessed my love for him, things had been intensely awkward between us. Sage and Steele had apparently really enjoyed the party, but they commented on the fact they had barely seen us throughout the night. Probably because we were in a barricaded, darkened room that was, most likely, completely off limits for the party-goers. 

I had to talk to him, but I didn't know how to when he was making it obvious he wanted nothing to do with me. 

I flopped down on the Mellets' huge sinking couch, staring absently at whatever Tyde was watching on TV. It appeared to be some programme where a crazy guy tried to jump off mountains. I didn't really care. Adjusting my light sea foam hair, I wondered where Troye was. That man was the only thought in my head these days. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked it miserably. 0 messages. Oh, wait, there was one. I squinted at it as the light from the TV glared off the screen. 

FROM: Basil 

Hi Ty. Want to meet up today? I have an idea of where we might go. U don't have to bring Troye. Xx 

I frowned, remembering the drunken, desperate text I had sent Bas on the way home from the party. Troye and I had been sitting next to each other, but he’d gone so far as to lean as far away from me as possible so that we weren’t touching. He’d turned his body away from mine completely to stare solemnly out the window to avoid making eye contact with me. I had tapped out some kind of pathetic plea that I had done something stupid. I wonder how much Bas had guessed from that. I replied, shrugging that I wasn't going to do much else with Troye ignoring me. 

TO: Basil 

Sure. Where do you want to go? Not bringing Troye if that’s ok- tell you when I see you. 

As I hit send, the subject of my worries himself walked into the sitting room. I swallowed audibly. His soft footsteps padded against the carpet and I managed not to look at him, staring fixatedly at the TV. 

"Tyler," he said in a low voice, causing both me and Tyde to jump and look at him. His hair was a flat chocolate mess and he had greyish circles under his eyes. 

"Yep," I popped the p cheerfully, injecting happiness into my voice so he might not realise what was wrong. 

"Can I talk to you?" 

"Talk away," I said hopefully. I knew he wouldn't have that, and rolled my eyes as he came over to touch my elbow. Even the slightest contact from him sent shivers down my spine. I tried not to show the effect he had on me. 

"Alone, please." 

Normally Tyde would have let out a childish whistle, but he obviously sensed the tension between us and looked back at the TV. 

"Fiine." I got up, hearing a thud as my phone fell to the floor. 

We walked in silence up to his room where he sat on the edge of his bed. I hung in the doorway, leaning against the frame nonchalantly whilst waiting for him to speak. 

"At the party, you said some things that I don't think are true because you were drunk and I really don't know what to think," he blurted in a rush. 

"Which things?" my overly cheery tone was even making me sick. I scanned his face. There was frustration in his blue-flecked eyes. 

Tilly's Boy - A Troyler FicWhere stories live. Discover now