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We arrive early and sit at the last two seats in the last row near the window. We sit and he keeps his promise.

" Now, what do you want to know?"

" Why did you hide that fact?"

" I wanted you to see me as another kitsune."

" Okay, now, why did Karin behave nicely with us around Carlo?"

" She doesn't want us to tell Karin her secret. We can make illusions to hide our true forms, but the wolfs can't."

" Can we use magic while in human form?"

" Yes, I did it after we were attacked the first time. I used an illusion and managed to make the illusions real in time."

" Now, what does my mother think of me?"

" Why do you ask me that? Shouldn't you ask her?"

" I think you know better than I do."

" I can't be sure, but I think she thinks you are going on the wrong path, if your life isn't the way she says it is."

" Okay, true. Now, does Karin really love Carlo?"

" Yes, although she hides it, she has protection on him. That's why he one of the lucky guys who aren't killed by the werewolves or other creatures."

" Lastly, for now, what kind of power do I have now?"

" It depends on how much you work to get better on your magic. We'll practice after school, if you want."

" How?"

" We'll go to a empty meadow and practice. There's one near this town."

" Okay."

" We'll continue this talk later. Carlo's here."

" Great."

Carlo walks up to us and asks if Damon can sit on the front row.

" Why? I thought we were friends, Carlo."

" Well, I have to speak with her for a minute."

" Fine, but she'll have to tell me to stay away from her and not you."

He sits two rows ahead. and Carlo turns to me.

" Luna, you have to stay away from him."

" Why?"

" He, um, has a girlfriend."

" And who is she?"

" Um, her name is, um, Cassandra."

" And where is she?"

" She is, um, in the next class."

" With your injured girlfriend?"

" Wait, injured? What happened to her?"

" I attacker her and she has her leg hurt. Nothing bad though."

" Why did you attack her?"

" She attacked me first and I did what I had to do."

" I thought you were calm. We'll see how hurt she is and then I'll decide what to decide about your friendship, Luna."

" I wanted to see, if you are on her side. I'm sad you are, but fine. Tell her that I won't stay away from Damon and she can simply say what she wants in front of me."

" You heard?"

" Yep."

" And the injured thing was a lie to trick me?"

" Nope."

" What! You hurt my love?"

" Yep and she is mad at me, so you aren't the only one."

" You really changed in one night. Can you ---"

" Class will start in one minute, so please sit and let Damon sit here again."

He tries to control his anger and while gritting his teeth, he tells Damon he can return. Damon sits back down in the sit and laughs.

" What did you do this time?"

" I told him that I injured her delicate flower's leg last night."

" He'll tell your mother and you will be in trouble again, you know."

" I know, but he chose my mother's side, fine. He'll see as well that I won't obey all their orders. Let's see if this will make him try and not make me mad."

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