Chapter II: The Battle

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 Avery POV

Papyrus just finished showing me around the house. I walked to Sans' room and reached the doorknob and tried it. I opened a little bit of the door to see Sans sitting on his bed. I knocked on the door and said "Sans? I'm c-coming in, ok?" I walked into his room. He looked up, startled, and his eye was glowing. He--- tried to attack me? I dodged it. "Sans..." I said gently, "it's okay." He was breathing heavily and looked like he had just seen a ghost. He sent one more attack at me, then passed out, sound asleep.

  I guess he's not much of a fighter, I thought, walking over to where he was sleeping. He looked okay, but a searing pain came from my arm. I looked down and realized his attack HAD hit me, it just was like a poison, slow acting but just as deadly.

Akira's POV

I woke up from my nap. What day is it? I look over at the calendar and saw the day. Oh......I slept for 4 days...normal. Wait... that means I have 4 days of paperwork to do........ Whatever Kazue (my assistant) can do it. Thinking about her, where is sh-. "CHAOS!" Shoot...I'm screwed. "Ya-a?" I said lazily and tired. 

I know that I just woke up but it's winter my hibernation season."YOU HAVE BEEN SLEEPING AND SLACKING OFF FOR 4 DAYS!!! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OFF THE COUCH AND DO YOUR WORK OR I WILL CHAIN YOU TO YOUR DESK AND BURN YOUR ALL YOUR MANGA RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!" a dark voice said. "Ummmmmmm..." Let's think freedom or Anime?? This is hard......Freedom. "Nope, not today." I yelled calmly if that's even possible, but on the inside, I was hoping she wouldn't burn my Manga collection. 

I mean all the money I spent on the Manga was more than all the Classic Sanses' tabs combined or was it soul tokens?... I don't remember. It's probably because Reaper hits me too much on the head..I guess I have memory loss.. 

"DO YOU WANT DIE?!" I made her mad. I teleported away as quickly as I can to the Forest of the Forgotten. People may think that the Forgotten Forest is scary, but it's really a place of beauty. There are lots of mythical creatures and plants and same rare herbs too, it's truly beautiful. I sat under a Winter Berī a type of tree that grow berries that can heal any kind of burns. They're named like that because the tree looks like it's been covered in snow.

What to do...Oh! That girl that was in undertale, classic, genocide timeline number 149... she's different. She isn't in any other AU especially the classic one.....Maybe her abnormal existence can help me destroy all the AUs......but I am on a diet...who cares... I'll just research about her until Kazue finds me... Hope she's not seen. I open my hologram screens and start to research about the redhead. I hope I don't fall asleep again.

Avery's POV

Sans wakes up, looking at me. "What happened, kiddo?" he asks. I smile softly and look at the spot where my hoodie is stained with blood from my arm. His carefree smile fades. "Kid, did I do that?" he asked, worried. "Yeah, but the effects faded. I just waited then healed myself." I winced slightly and gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I thought---" Sans started, "Wait." He said. "You don't know all that much about what's going on, do you?" I shook my head.

"Okay, so in the underground, Frisk, the human, is currently the one with the most determination, right?" he asked. "Right." I responded. Where was this going? "Whoever has the most determination can control this world like a video game. Y'know, the ones you have on the surface? They can RESET the whole world, and remember everything, but no one else will. Except for me. Anyways, the kid went through two times before you came. Once they didn't kill anyone.

 The second time through they unlocked a secret and got the TRUE happy ending. Now, they've RESET again, and they're going on a genocide route. Somehow their personality has entirely changed, like a glitch. Then you came, and you're not in ANY other timeline or UNIVERSE. I guess you're kind of an... antivirus?" he gave me a look that said, 'I'm just guessing.' I looked at him. "I know how to save Frisk." I said. He looked shocked.

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