Chapter XVII: I'm here to slap you in the face!

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Avery's POV

"OI! ERROR!" I shout loudly. Error appears, looking irritated. "Well, if it isn't my- two least favorite anomalies." Error says irritably, noting Cross behind me. "Give him his soul back," I say flatly. "Oh, and who's going to stop me? You and the weak thing behind you?" Error asked. "Look, buddy, Cross wants his soul back, and I'm here to slap you in the face for my own personal satisfaction." By now, I've climbed up into the mass of strings hanging above us, and I've reached Cross' soul. 

I make a sharp vine and cut the strings from the soul loose. Holding it cautiously, I reach out to hand it to Cross, but it's snagged in more of the strings. Oh, I've gotten tied up. Wow, I really focus on something and tune out everything else. I've been captured, I guess? I roll my eyes. "Cross, you should probably go before things escalate," I say. Cross nods and escapes easily. Error is smirking with satisfaction, admiring his handiwork of catching me.

"Okay, so... I know I can't move right now, and that means I can't use my abilities. I feel... kind of like a caterpillar." I say thoughtfully. Error slaps me. I smile, mirroring his smile of satisfaction. Error frowns. "Getting back at me by slapping me isn't so amazing as you thought, huh?" I ask. "You enjoyed that." Error says. "And? Not like I've got anything better to do." I respond. 

Strings wrap around my mouth so I can't talk. I roll my eyes and rock back and forth in the strings, founding it was like being in a full body swing. "What are you even doing?" Error asked in annoyance. "MMph, mmm, mmmm. Mmmmm, mmm." I respond. He sighs and removes the strings. "I don't know. It's like I'm using a full body swing, honestly." I say thoughtfully. Error, in response, rolls his eyes and the strings reappear. 

I then kick around a little with my feet and gain enough velocity to spin around in circles until I'm dizzy. Fun! I think. Akira appears. "Hey kid, time to go home," she says, easily extracting me from the strings. They seem to recoil away from her hand in fear where she touches them. 

I drop neatly on both feet and we leave through her portal. "Thanks for babysitting," Akira says over her shoulder to a stunned and frustrated Error. I smirk. Akira puts a blindfold on me. "What for?" I ask. "Surprise you with your new home," Akira says. I nod. We continue walking until I hear the gravel crunch under my feet, then the clicking of marble as I walk on it.

 "Stop here," Akira says. I come to an immediate halt. She takes off my blindfold. We're inside a beautiful mansion, and this entrance room is amazing. Marble floors and walls with gold in them, and rich, thick rugs covering the floors. "To impress your guests?" I ask. Akira nods. "Akiko insists on making good first impressions."

"AVERYYYYYYYYYY!!!" "Speak of the devil," Akira says. Akiko races into the room and hugs me, lifting me up off the ground. "PUT ME DOWN!" I exclaim. "I appreciate you being happy to see me, but we've covered this, right? No hugs." I said. Akiko nods sadly. "Right..." she says sadly. I sigh. "Alright, I'll make an exception," I say reluctantly. "You've matured." Akira comments.

 A bright new yellow girl comes into the room. "Welcome home, master!" she says to Akira. "Um, Akira? What have you-" I begin to ask, amusement in my voice, but Akira cuts me off with a glare. "I told you not to call me that, Volt. It's just Akira," she emphasizes. "Oh? Who's this? She's cute!" Volt says, looking at me. "I AM NOT CUTE," I reply.

"She's one of the other members of this household. You'll be serving her too." Akira says. "Right. What shall I address you as?" Volt asks, turning to me. "Um, whatever takes your fancy, I guess? Avery is okay. I'm fine if you feel like calling me moron every time you want to strike up a conversation with me. 

Just no formal titles- boss, master, mistress, or even ma'am, anything like that." I say indifferently, shrugging. "Okay then, Avery," Volt says. She leaves the room. I look over at Akira. "Kazue?" I ask. "She's got some stuff to attend to, so we have a replacement," Akira replies, nodding in the direction of the doorway that Volt left through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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