Chapter V: Back to Hell (School)

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*The next morning, 7:30 A.M.

When I woke up and looked out the window, everything seemed okay. Everyone was alive. I looked over my shoulder and saw Chara and Asriel sleeping peacefully. I smiled, and changed my clothes into everyday ones, packed a lunch, and grabbed my backpack. I headed to school and left a note for mom explaining why I had left.

I walked into class, and everyone turned and stared. I'm guessing they were all looking at my red eye. Even the teacher seemed frightened. "O-oh, Avery. We thought you had changed schools. You were gone for a couple of days..." Mrs.Allen stammered. "Well, yeah. Want to know why?" I felt the anger surging up inside me. "Um, yes... what caused you to play the truant? You're a straight A student." Mrs.Allen asked, cautiously.

 "Well, you see, while you were OBLIVIOUS, watching videos teachers SHOULDN'T be watching on your computer, EVERY ONE of my DEAR classmates bullied me. That's why I always hid in the bathroom. I remember approaching you about the situation, but you were too engrossed in your, um... 'videos' to care." Mrs.Allen hung her head in shame, as did all of my classmates. I turned to a girl who had brown hair, tan skin, and bright blue, sassy eyes.

"Martha. I told you to leave me alone. I tried to be nice, but it ended with you tangled up in vines. You spread rumors about me, and I have SCARS that will stay with me my whole life all over me from you-" I took off my hoodie, and revealed the tank top underneath. My arms were covered with scars. "You know I could've suffocated you with my vines RIGHT THEN AND THERE, right? Do you want to know why I didn't? It was because I believed that anyone and everyone could be a great person if they actually put in some effort. You never tried, did you? NO." I said to her. Then I turned to Frisk.

"Frisk, thank you. You were the only one nice to me. When I was getting beaten up, you were with me. We sang together, shared lunches and secrets, and you were my ONLY FRIEND on this whole GODDAMN PLANET. Unfortunately, even YOU couldn't be a good person. At least, not to everyone. You dealt with your sanity loss by killing Nathan, correct?" Everyone looked horrified. I now addressed the whole class. "See what happens when you bully someone relentlessly?" I asked. They all nodded. I hoped they felt each individual sin digging into them, flooding them with guilt. The principal walked in.

"I heard there was a commotion going on here." He saw me standing on the teachers' desk, crying and smiling a huge grin, all at once, and said, "I'm gonna leave now..." "Oh, NO! You're staying right here. I haven't started with YOU yet." I said, flicking my wrist so vines grew over the door, blocking the exit. "I mentioned I had an abusive family. You got me into a foster home. I was happy. Each family I went to only used me for my looks. Each family I went to had something missing me. They didn't genuinely love me.

I told you about this, and you kept putting me in the wrong homes where they made money off my looks, forcing me to model and pose. Why? Because you were a sucker. You took their money-based bribes and had a vacation. Then, when my ABUSIVE, AWFUL parents that tried to KILL ME on multiple occasions were released from prison, you let them have custody of me." I shouted.

"You WANT to know how badly you're running this school?! Each student in here, besides Frisk, has told me I should just DIE at least once. You want to know why I climbed that mountain?! It was because I had prayed to God that when I jumped down there, I would DIE once I reached the bottom or the EVIL MONSTERS that would KILL ME would give me a BETTER LOVING FAMILY. YOU KNOW WHAT? They're not bloodthirsty! I was the one who released them! They're good, honest people! It was HUMANS who got greedy about territory. 

So, not only is your school filled with brats who are insecure about their chest size compared to mine, your education system is inaccurate!" I shouted. I let Frisk leave the room, then sealed the exit."I'd love to personally kill every last one of you individually, but it's frowned upon anywhere and everywhere, even in the land of "bloodthirsty" monsters. When everything is said and done, and you're all on your deathbeds, I truly do sincerely hope that you all BURN IN HELL!" with that, I stormed out of the room, leaving everyone in there crying like little children.

"Ungrateful little rich girl!" Martha shouted after me. I turned and looked back at her through the classroom door. Vines surrounded her, sharp, ready to pierce her skin and make her blood run. "Look at your pink 'princess' shirt. Look at your family's income. Look at how I spared you after all the-- stuff -- you did to me.

 YOU'RE THE MOST SELF-CENTERED, UNGRATEFUL PERSON I'VE EVER MET. Next time, think twice before being insecure about your 'little', flat chest, or I'll personally come for you. Got it? Just remember, you can never outrun karma because karma will always come and get you, even if it's at your last dying breath." I smiled darkly and walked out of the room without another word, down the hallway and through the front doors of the school.

"I'm so done with this sh--." Frisk covered my mouth. "We're still on school grounds." they reminded me. "Right. As soon as we're off campus, I'll cuss my way back to sanity. Besides, it's not like I've already left school or anything." I said sarcastically. We both smiled and walked back home. "Hey, Frisk?" I asked. "Yeah?" they responded. "If anyone picks on you, let me know. I want to have a turn killing someone." I said.

We both went our separate ways, Frisk back to their house and me back to mine. Toriel was waiting for me. "My child, you look a lot better since when I first saw you." Toriel said, sounding relieved. "Yeah, I got all of my stress out. Finally." I said, satisfied. "Your siblings were wondering where you were when you woke up." Toriel said. "Oh, well." I said. "Hey, mom?" I asked. "Yes, my child?" She asked. "When are you going to open your new school and start teaching?" I asked. "My, my. I see you are eager to get back to school. 

For now, I was thinking you could go to the local one." Toriel said. "No." I said. "Why not?" Toriel asked, confused. "I just came from there. The whole reason I went into the underground in the first place was to run away from there. Every student in my class, except for one, bullied me. The teacher, Mrs.Allen, neglected me. The principal didn't want the best for me. The education system isn't accurate... need I say more?" I asked. Toriel was shaken. "I-I see... is that why you went to school? To confront them?" she asked. "Exactly." I said.


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