Chapter VII:A New Insane Family

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When I woke up the next morning I was laying on a flower bed, daylight shining faintly above me. I was back in the cavern. HOW? I was the one in control of the timeline still. No one else had the same amount of determination as me. Unless someone of higher power forced a RESET... that had to be it. I walked into the ruins, only to find in Flowey's place was Chaos.

    Looking around, I saw the world had glitched colors and areas that were just black and white. "Did you do this?" I asked Chaos, annoyed. "Chara did. They absorbed the human souls and reset it. Now they're dead again, and you're in control. You saw Chara acting a little... odd before the reset, right? All the monsters here in the Ruins have decided to move to my realm." Chaos said. "Okay, so no distractions." I said, running off.

I had forgotten that the human souls had been used to break the barrier. I've got to find Sans. What happened while I was asleep? I ran through the doors to the glitched Snowdin. There were parts of the bridge that was bright green, or pink. Snowdin was glitched too. I ran straight into town, solving the puzzles as fast as I could. "Sans!" I exclaimed when I saw him. He looked at me with such a dark look I froze in place. "You did this, didn't you?" he asked. I was too scared to move... "Your silence isn't giving me an answer. Why, kid?" I stayed frozen, stammering, "S-sans, I..." "You're just like Frisk. Everyone's happy, now it's all reset, and everyone's missing." he said.

I found my voice. "Sans." my voice had a flicker of annoyance in it, and he startled. "You think I did that? I PROMISED I wouldn't RESET. Chara did, according to Chaos. You know how I take my promises." I said. Sans looked a little relieved. "I hoped it wasn't you..." he said, "but I'm not sure I can believe you." he said, his eye glowing. I shrugged, holding out my arms. "Go ahead. It's okay, kill me as many times as you need to get your mistrust out." I said. I braced myself, but I let a single tear get out. He sighed and lowered his hand. "No. I believe you." he said. "Sorry, kid." I smiled. "I'm glad we sorted this out."

Suddenly, Ink appeared out of nowhere. "Hey, Sans. Oh, hey Avery didn't think I'd see you here. However, under the circumstances, I can't blame you for staying to try to fix this too." Ink said. "What is it?" I asked. "Well, now seeing this, I had headed this way. Something felt weird, so I wanted to check it out." he said. "I was wrong to trust Akira. I see that now." he said, sighing. "Who's Akira?" I asked. "Oh, Chaos. I told her to watch the AUs and Timelines for anomalies. I guess she couldn't resist taking over." Ink said. We teleported to Chaos, and Ink walked up to her. "Chaos, you need to stop. 

Why are you even doing this?" Chaos' face split into a creepy smile, completely black, with some sort of black liquid dripping out of her mouth, and her eyes were black with a white dot as the pupil with the some black thing coming out. "I know you don't care I mean why should you care when I'm done and bored of doing this, you'll still have a bunch of AUs and timelines to play with. Only a tiny little bit of the timelines will be affected. Why even bat an eye? There will always be new timelines to be created to replace the no longer existent ones. You honestly are telling me to stop? Hah. And trust is a strong word." Chaos' face turned back to normal and she wiped the liquid off her face. How did she know? She looked over at Sans, who was looking at Ink accusingly. 

"What about it? Want to live in my realm? I'm taking the kid with me, so you might as well come. I'll let you visit." Chaos said, looking over at me. "Huh?" I asked. "It'll be okay. You can visit Frisk, and Toriel, and any other friends you might have had." Chaos said carelessly. "Hey, can you leave the room for a minute?" Sans asked Ink and I. "Sure?" Ink said unsurely. I heard some talking between Chaos and Sans and picked up this, faintly. "So, why do you want to take care of the kid?" This was Sans. "Well, I don't really care but you see my kind is called Fallen Souls or Paratsises,(It's not a real word, Author 2 made it up. Though it is really close it Parasites, huh?) ( because I wanted it to sound like parasites duh.)

humans that lost them self something or they just can't enter the afterlife, which is the process when you lost your soul or body because the soul is your identity and the body is your face so if you lose them you can't enter the afterlife and if you somehow die, you'll cease to exist. And lots of us want to be...umm normal but just can't some of us want to be nice but can't, they have to find their soul, which is kind of impossible, or find something or someone that makes them feel emotions.

I mean I really don't care about the kid that much, it's just she can make me feel alive and excited again or that I just feel pity for her? So, I just want her just in case. You could say I just want her for my selfish reasons... You know, I really don't care about anything anymore, but I don't know where my soul is, so that means I can die any second if whoever got my soul wants me to or if my soul is split into pieces and sealed away somewhere I will be alive forever in till someone finds it and destroy it or I find it and keep it safe. If I feel again, I can have a phantom soul to at least feel something before I die..." Chaos said calmly.

"Well, how can I even trust someone like you?" Sans asked. "I told I don't want to  die without reason or without I have her but I won't let anyone kill her, even if she dies I will find a way to bring her back." Chaos said calmly like keeping me is completely normal. "Fine, But if anything happens to the kid or my family you will wish you were never born." Sans said darkly. "Hahahaha, I want to see you try!" Chaos said insanely. "But please, protect her." "No promises, sorry, cause in the life of someone in the world of  Paradise, humans are hard to protect... and I just hate keeping promises." Chaos said happily and chuckled but at the end she said is kind of sadly, but its hard to tell. I didn't get the rest of it. At the end of their conversation, Sans said, "Hey, you can come back in now!"


We just might stop here for a while...sorry we are too lazy to write.....but don't worry we are still going to continue this book

*Cough cough* Sorry, I think you mean YOU'RE too lazy. Don't tell me I'm lazy, because I am, and only I can tell myself I am lazy.

ME Lazzzy I mean that's true BUT you didn't do any of thing AND you don't even write most of the time so Ha. Like now we are not even starting to write chapter 8 yet. Gee me lazy...( ̄(工) ̄)

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