Chapter IV: Akira's Arrival

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*Hey guys! Author #1 Here! Since this story is based more on Avery than Akira, unless there's a backstory or some need for explanation about Akira, it'll all be from Avery's point of view.

*Grammatical errors: Hey, this is Author #2. I just want to say that Akira doesn't really like people knowing her name, so she uses her title as if it were her name.

Walking home, I smiled. I had finally done it. I had taken all my anger from my father out. I was... okay. I felt ALIVE! I pulled out an iPod from my backpack, put the earbuds in, and listened to some of my favorite songs. I need to remember to check on Frisk, too. I thought as I walked into the house. I'm not exactly sure why I like it. I wonder if Chara or Asriel would like karaoke. Heh, probably not.

The world went black and white for a second as I reached the house, Sans waiting outside. Then it returned to normal, but a large, glitched out gash, like a vertical tear, had appeared at the top of the mountain, where we had departed the underground only a little while ago. A being that didn't look like a monster or a human walked out( I say monster because she had vampire like teeth and a demon like eyes), stretched her arms lazily, and yawned. She looked around, then saw me, at the base of the mountain. "AVERY!" she cried happily and chuckled a little insanely. Sans looked confused. This... stranger appeared in front of me and hugged me.

"Um, do I know you?" I asked. "Oh, how rude of me. You can call me Chaos. I'm the ruler of the realm of Chaos. Funny right?. I've been watching you for a while now, and your existence has allowed me to leave my realm or parallel world, whatever you want to call it, and come into yours to take it over and expand my kingdom! I guess..." Chaos said happily with a touch of insanity and unsureness (Is that a word?). I have a feeling she's insane but hides it. Her eyes were glowing yellow. Creepy. Her name is unfamiliar too.

"Parallel world? Like how Ink is not really apart of any AU but can travel to them?" I asked, confused. Chaos noticed Sans and walked over to him. "Oh, sorry. You must be SO confused. Yeah, this kid right here-" pointing at me with her thumb, "-fixed the Frisk issue, but since she doesn't belong in any of your timelines, the Frisk issue let me travel here and yes, I can if you either them or something that wasn't supposed to happen or just straight up insanity, but now you're wondering how the Frisk issue helped me get in right?" Chaos said happily to me and Sans. Sans and I both nodded unsurely.

"Ohhh, ok.Well, this is going to be a long story, but we have forever here. *chuckles* You know how there's AUs and different Timelines and stuff? You think that it's just a bunch of universes but no, all of that is just one big universe but no one can really get in and no one can get out. The Frisk issue made a little tear or glitch in the universe barrier, and that let me in but there can be other glitches that might happen that don't even involve this timeline, and it makes a great opportunity to take it over!" then her face split into an evil grin.

"I mean who wouldn't miss a opportunity like that. Even if it wasn't me someone worse might take it over. I wonder what will happened to you then." Chaos said, laughing insanely. I switched my iPod off and looked at Chaos. "So, you know Ink?" I asked, trying to sound calm. Hopefully, my voice wasn't shaking.

"Sure sure, I know him, the guy that act all happy but his really not. It will funny to see him in the depths of despair Oh, yeah. And he also had me looking for timeline anomalies when I first came here. That idiot was so naive as to think I'd pass up all these opportunities to add to my world." Chaos said casually, waving her hand carelessly as if all this murder and conquering was just like a daily errand of going to the store. "Great." I muttered. "When I'm finally done with one problem, another pops up. First the Frisk anomaly, now the 'Chaos' one." I sighed and turned to Sans. "Tell Mom I'm gonna be home late, okay?"

I reached for Chaos's outstretched hand, and we teleported to what was another world... filled with chaos and a lot of random colors everywhere. I do have to say, it's actually kind of pretty. It was a land comprised of thick forests, jagged mountains, and a large and giant tear in the Earth, but it looks like it's under repair and some four winged dragon thing flying around in the sky.

There was a huge mansion on the cliff of a mountain, overlooking a large village below. Surrounding the village was a large, strong barrier. "This is your world?" I asked. It resembles something like a kingdom in the medieval times, but with more color and other out of place things. I noticed the buildings in the town had a Japanese style in them. She must really like Japan or something, I don't know what country style it's from, but it's pretty. "Yep!" Chaos said. "What happens when my world is added to yours?" I asked, curious.

"Well, all the territory- the surface, the underground, would be added to it. Some of the colors will be appearing here and there but the color will fully take over overtime, and I just might build more house or buildings, but that depends on if I like the house or buildings in your world, but I am definitely going to keep the underground. All the people there would be moved here or stay there, it's their choice ... but they'd change into something better, something fun.

They wouldn't be monsters anymore. Well, the monster you call 'monster' but they will turn into a chaos monster, but they'd still have their magic... that is, if their souls don't get eaten or consumed by chaos." Chaos said with a sadistic smile. "So, for example, Sans wouldn't be a monster, but he'd remain a skeleton?" I asked.

"Umm, sure you can say that. He'd still have his attacks too." Chaos said. "What are his attacks, anyway?" I asked. Chaos looked confused, then her eyes widened in realization. "Ohhh... that would explain why you're not afraid of him. You were behind the pillar. You just heard him slowing down and getting tired." I nodded. "Well... do you really want to find out?" an amused smile crossed her face. I shook my head 'no' vigorously. "That's what I thought." Chaos said.

This is gonna be annoying, I thought. ALL the AUs have at least one glitched Frisk. If I enter them, Chaos takes over after I fix the problem and if I don't fix the problem the glitched Frisk can cause something that isn't supposed to happen, and that will allow the genocidal maniac who is unstoppable to enter other AUs or timelines.

That would... be an annoying error to fix. Just thinking about all this is making me tired. "Well, I've got to go." I told Chaos, I tried to teleport but couldn't. "Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, but you can't teleport out of here back to your universe because this is not one of your AUs or timelines... I mean, this world is not even in your universe ..yet, but here I'll help." She puts a hand on my head, which was more like a soft hit, but *poof* I'm back at my house. How does she know where I live? Wait, she said that she was watching me... creepy. All the teleporting around made me nauseous, so I headed upstairs and went straight to bed. I nestled under the covers and worried about what could happen tomorrow.


I wish that I can use color and font in here.

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