Chapter XV: Seriously though, who are you?

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Akira's POV

Sitting down in my chair in my brand new office, I looked at the pieces on the war table in front of me. The Enoki zone was safe so far, but attacks were coming in from the North. This isn't good. I hope the kid's okay, wherever she is. I can't believe that Ink thought he was good at babysitting, but lost Avery within a day. Stupid. Even I can guess where the kid is- her home AU. 

She's always been attached to the people there. Dumb kid- if her AU gets erased, she's gonna be heartbroken. She's already depressed as it is, she can't hide it from me. Akira, stop caring about the kid. This is why you have a war on your hands in the first place. I thought to myself sternly, redirecting my focus onto the table where different pieces of multiple colors stood. I exhaled irritably. "Akiko, what kingdom is red again?" I asked. "The kingdom of Terror, which is to our North, I believe," Akiko said. 

Oh, yeah, my good friend Terror and I need to have a little chat~ I thought darkly, looking at the swarm of red pieces coming from the North. "I've um- got a business meeting to get to, Akiko. I'll be back soon, I think." I said, as I grabbed my lovely scythe off the racks on the wall, I probably don't even need it but let's have it for safe keeping. Terror~ let's play a game of hide or die. You hide, and I'll find you. I thought, smiling darkly as I walked out the door.

Avery's POV

"In all seriousness, who are these people and why have I never seen them before? They aren't wearing the school uniform?" I asked, confused. "Oh yeah, they're from the school nearby," Jacob said passively. "You're conversing with the enemy?! I'll have to report you to the leader," I asked, mock horrified. 

"Oh, and who's the leader?" Jacob asked. "My mother, the principal. She believes whatever I say." I said. "Oh, so you're mommy's girl now, huh?" Jacob asked. "Is that a challenge?" I asked. "I can be the best mommy's girl you've ever seen," I said. "We're here on a school tour because we're considering transferring." one of the boys explained. "Okay," I said, shrugging as I walked off.

An hour later

Errands, errands, errands. When will it end? Can I stop being everyone's servant already? I thought boredly, carrying boxes back and forth to different classes. "What's next? Bring twelve llamas that magically appeared in the entrance courtyard to the class on the top floor all the way across the campus?" I muttered. "That seems like a hairy situation," Jacob said, appearing beside me. "Sorry, did that joke annoy you? Alpaca my bags and leave." Jacob said, trying to get a reaction out of me. I awarded him with a smile. 

"The world is ending- the apocalypse is coming," I said. Jacob snickered, and stepped into the classroom on my left. I walked down a hallway, teleported to mom's office, and asked, "Is there anything else to be done?" "No, my child, you've worked dutifully and gotten all the tasks there are to be completed done," Toriel said. "Feel free to take a break," she suggested. 

I nodded and walked out of the office. I saw Chara sitting in a chair outside the office. "Did you get in trouble?" I asked. Chara nodded. "What for?" I asked, sitting next to her. "I slapped a kid because he was making fun of Azzy," Chara said.

"Do you regret it?" I asked. "No.," said Chara firmly. "Good. Don't apologize for doing the right thing and standing up for someone." I said, getting up and walking off. I headed down the stairwell, out the entry courtyard, and teleported home. I changed into my hoodie and some jeans and laced up my hiking boots. Time to explore. I thought, heading out of the house through the window in my room. I slid down the tree with ease and pulled out my phone.

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