Chapter III: A Strange Coincidence

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Avery's POV

As I fell into the underground, I found that something was wrong. Frisk hasn't been here... I guess I've taken their place. Looking around, everything appeared the same. I walked over and into the next room, where Flowey was.

"Oh! Hi there! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower. You're new here, arentcha? Golly, you must be so confused!" He started to lecture me on how my soul worked... "This is your soul, the very--- culmination..." he looked at my soul in awe. It was still half purple and half red. "Just how much determination do you have?" he asked, looking up at me. I looked back down at him. "I'm just as confused as you are." I said.

"Well, you're clearly in control of the timeline, so I can't kill you. I guess I'll let you pass, for now." he said, disappearing. A tall, kind-looking woman entered the room.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed when she spotted me. "You're... the eighth one." She looked me over. "No injuries? Surprising... Oh! How impolite of me! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Toriel, caretaker of the RUINS. You are welcome here, my child." "Nice to meet you, Toriel. I'm Avery." We walked through the ruins. 

She showed me how to solve the puzzles, and then we eventually entered a room with a dummy. "This is a DUMMY. Monsters don't really trust humans, and they may try to fight you in self-defense. If this happens, strike up a conversation! I will come and resolve the conflict. Practice talking to the dummy." she said, waving a hand towards the dummy. I walked over to it.

"Hi, there!" I said. "You look rather nice today!" The dummy looked like it wanted to respond, but unfortunately, it didn't have a mouth... Toriel seemed rather pleased.

Eventually, she turned to me and said, "My child, I have some errands to run. You understand, right? I'll leave the puzzles ahead unlocked. The locals are somewhat friendly and will help you out if you treat them nicely." and with that, she walked off. I followed after her and looked around. I went left and there was a room with some Monster Candy in it.

 I took a piece, as the sign said, then left. Encountering a Froggit, I said hello and complimented its wonderful appearance. I did this with all the locals and eventually got to the end of the ruins, where a small, tidy house awaited. I walked inside and was greeted with the warm scent of butterscotch and cinnamon- one of my favorite combinations. Toriel walked out of the left side of the house, saw me, and exclaimed, "Oh, my child! There you are! Did you have fun?" she asked. "I did, thank you for asking. I think I've befriended all the locals, too." I said, smiling.

"There's something I need to do, though. That voice on the other side of the door? I need to talk to them." I said and headed down the stairs. Toriel looked shocked and stood frozen. As I reached the end of the corridor, Toriel ran after me and said, "Wait! Take some pie before you leave..." I took the slice and hugged her goodbye. I knocked a pattern on the door.

"If you hear this pattern, it's me, okay?" She nodded, and I left. If I'm right, Sans will meet me at the bridge. I thought, walking down the path. The stick was completely intact. I kept walking and heard footsteps behind me. I kept walking and reached the bridge. "Human." Sans' voice came. "Don'tcha know how to greet an old friend?" I smiled and slipped the whoopee cushion on my hand. "But of course!" I whipped around and reached for his hand. Yet again, the snow fell off some of the trees around us. 

"Good to see you, Sans." I said, between laughing fits. He was laughing too. This time, however, Papyrus stormed across the bridge. "Honestly, there's no way he wouldn't have heard that." I whispered to Sans as he approached, a disappointed look on his face. "Sans. You found a human." He saw the whoopee cushions on our hands and exclaimed, "Oh, SANS! It's been FIVE minutes and you're already a bad influence!"

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