Chapter XI: "Another day, another annoyance."

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Avery's POV

A new day, a new chance to do something productive. What can I do? Hmmm... I walked downstairs, to find Akira and Akiko in a conversation. Akira looks like she was dead with dark circles under her eyes. "-Ink is coming soon." Akiko said, and Akira rolled her eyes. "Another day, another annoyance. All part of the job." she said sarcastically. I slid down the stair railing and leaped off the railing again, landing on both feet. "Oh, hey kiddo." Akira said, looking over her shoulder at me.

There was something odd in her demeanor, a sort of nervousness in her eyes, but it was washed away by the tiredness which overpowered it. "Kazue?" Akira said, like the beginning of a command. Kazue came up behind me and dragged me up the stairs. "MMph?" (What?) I shouted, my shouted question muffled by Kazue's hand over my mouth. "We just want to fix you up, okay? We don't need Ink getting a bad impression so we can keep you." Kazue said soothingly. I stopped thrashing and let myself be dragged to my room.

A few minutes later, I looked in the mirror of the vanity in my room. My hair had been pulled back into a princess braid, and a light amount of natural-looking makeup applied. I was stunned. "Is that me?" I asked. "Yeah?" Kazue asked. "I didn't know you were a makeup expert." I said wonderingly. "Eh, when you've lived so long it's good to know a few things." Kazue said carelessly. "Now, about your outfit..." Kazue said, gesturing towards my green hoodie, a gray t-shirt, and black jeans. "It needs some improvement?" I asked, finishing her sentence. "Yep." Kazue said, pulling me over to a wardrobe clearly a matching set with the vanity. 

I don't remember having these in my room. Noticing my puzzled look, Kazue explained. "Oh, yeah, we moved those in here. Now, arms out." she said before I could ask any more questions. I held my arms out. Kazue held up several dresses before deciding on a white dress that reached my knees, with a sweetheart neckline and sleeves that just covered my elbows. It had an amethyst ribbon around the waist that was neatly tied into a bow in the back. The fabric felt soft to the touch, but I couldn't pin down what type it was. "It's silk." Kazue said.

I walked over behind a Japanese-style parting screen and changed into it. When I came out, Kazue looked me over and smiled- a rare moment. "You look pretty." she said fondly. We walked down the stairs and I laid on the ground, thankful for the fact I had amethyst leggings underneath the dress so I didn't have to sit all prim and proper. There was a knock on the door, and Akira opened it. "Hi, idiot." she said casually, sounding relaxed. Ink looked around and looked at Akira like she had three eyes, I mean who would not freak out looking at her. "Where's Avery?" he asked curiously. I was laying down behind the coffee table, so he couldn't see me. I closed my eyes and pretended to be passed out. 

Ink looked behind the coffee table and made a noise of exclamation. "Is she dead?!" he asked, his voice entering the range of hysteria. I felt him sit down next to me. "She's not bleeding... did she have a heart attack?" he asked, his voice still wavering. I could hear Akira and Akiko snickering. They thought this was hilarious.

I opened one eye and he wrapped his arms around my neck, almost suffocating me. "YOU'RE ALIVE!" he shouted. "I was never dead..." I said flatly, my voice trailing off, and looked over at Akira who winked at me with a smirk, "-you idiot." I finished. Ink looked at Akira with complete shock. "You're a terrible influence." Ink said irritably. "She's awesome though." I said. Ink let go of my neck and said in a serious tone, "That's not very nice, or funny." "Oh, but it is!" Akiko said, fighting back tears. She and Akira were shaking from how hard they were laughing but Akira looks like she was going to faint. I smiled. "Did you tell her to do this?" Ink asked, not amused. He stood up. I laid back down on the ground and put my arms up behind my head. "I learned from the best." I said. Ink looked down at me, unimpressed. 

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