Chapter IX: Siblings

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Akiko's POV

Avery got kind of nervous when we got to her house, but she hid it well.
But she can't hide it from me. Avery opened the house's door and stepped inside. Two kids, about three-quarters of her size, ran up to her and hugged her. One was a monster, the other a human. "Avery!" they both shouted, clearly happy to see her. Avery giggled and returned their hug. "Hey, Azzy. Hey Chara." She smiled and asked, "Where's mom?" "In the kitchen. Is it true you're moving out? I thought that happened when you were 18 to go to college..." the human kid asked.

"Well, yeah. I have some things to deal with. I'll visit though, so don't worry." Avery replied with a smile. Wait... I know humans are hard to protect... If Avery can barely protect herself, how endangered is this human kid? I'll have to talk to 'Aki' about this. I thought, standing there patiently. "Who's this?" the monster boy asked, looking at me inquisitively.

"Hi there. I'm Akiko." I said happily. "She's one of my friends." Avery said. We stepped further inside, and Avery walked off, towards where I assumed the kitchen was. "What do you like to do for fun?" the human kid asked me. Thinking about my hobbies, they were mostly childish. "I like drawing." I replied. "Cool! Me too!" the human kid said. "Azzy, can you go get some crayons and drawing paper?" The monster kid, Azzy, ran off. That meant the human kid was Chara.

"What kinds of things do you like to draw?" I asked Chara, curious. I know that Aki is really passionate about her 'art' but I have to admit her 'art' is really pretty but also creepy. "Oh, let me show you!"

They brought me upstairs into their room and showed me a cork board above their bed filled with drawings. Flowers, family, friends, different places... and something else. There was one drawing, of them standing- floating off the ground, with what I assumed was their family, in the background, happy.

The little Chara drawing person looked sad. Then, some red yarn connected it to another pin, which showed Avery handing them a soul of perseverance... how'd she get that? Then, another drawing of Avery holding Azzy and Chara's hands, both Azzy and Chara with perseverance souls. They were all smiling. Avery could create souls? Reincarnate people? This... is interesting. Does Aki know about this? I wish I had a Family like that...but I have Aki, Reap, and Kuzy. I don't have to worry anymore. "What do you think?" Chara asked me. "Oh! Great job. I like this one." I pointed to a well-drawn flower. Chara and I went back downstairs, where Azzy was waiting.

"Is your name really Azzy, or is that just a pet name?" I asked, smiling at him. "It's really Asriel. Azzy is a pet name." Asriel said. We started coloring. I noticed that both Asriel and Chara were using all the pastels, as well as pinks and blues and other colorful colors like the sunflower yellow crayon. Were they drawing me? I stood up and posed exaggeratedly. Chara and Asriel laughed.

I felt kind of guilty. I know Avery didn't exactly have a say in all of this moving, and she seemed to have such a nice life here. Two siblings, a mom, good friends, an easy life... everything seemed perfect, Not like mine used to be. Yet she still had to leave it all behind. This was her AU. She belonged here... but if that was the case, that means there will eventually be multiple timelines, multiple Averys... then, what would happen? Would some of them evade Akira and fix the glitches that they were designed to fix? Would they all leave behind a perfect-seeming life to live in the world of Chaos with constant danger? Wait... I'm thinking too much, we don't belong here. That means we don't have alternate versions of us, and that also means that other alternate Averys are having a better life than this one because we never interfered with their timelines.. Why do I feel bad? I can't feel..I guess Aki was right, I can't get attached to her or history might repeat itself. It's going to be hard not to get attached.

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