Parent Visit

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I'm not British BTW so if I ever get anything wrong just tell me and I'll try to remember for next time

Summary: Dan is nervous about going to Phil's parents house and meeting them for the first time and stuff happens.

Words: 1.2k

"Shhh, Dan, look at me. Dan, love, calm."

Dan was in the middle of having a panic attack, which is not a good thing when your about to leave to go to your parents house. "What if they hate me Phil? What if they think I'm not good enough for you? I mean I'm not... But what if they make me leave you?" "Dan baby, they won't.... Wait, what did you say?" A realisation crossed my boyfriends face. "What if they hate me???" He asked, his voice raising at the end of his question. I gave him a look, a look only he could understand. "Bear, why would you ever think you aren't good enough for me?" I grabbed both of Dan's hands and looked him in the eyes. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm just a depressed, stupid, ugly, worthless guy and you're-" It pained me to write that. My face fell. "Dan, honey, look at me." When he looked up tears were trickling down his face, and it pained me not to hug him. "Don't ever think things like that about yourself, you are beautiful, unique, smart, the perfect size for me to hold you close, you have amazing hair, wonderful humor, a great personality, and don't even get me started on your smile, that smile could light up the world, people say I'm the sun, but you're smile is the brightest, cutest thing in the world, and I love it. Most of all, I love you, and you are my bear." When I'm done with my speech I see a smile plaster his face. "Kiss?" I ask. Next thing I know I am being attacked with a kiss and embraced by a hug. "I love you Philly." I hear into my shoulder.

"Are you ready Danny?" I give his hand a little squeeze as I knock on my parents door. Almost immediately after I am ingulfed in a hug, hearing the voice of my mum say "Oh Philly! How wonderful it is to see you again!!" I pull away from the hug to be met with a very confused look on my mums face. "What's wrong Mum?" I look over to where she was looking to be met with a shivering Dan, looking as if he's about to cry, but only I can tell. I wrap my arm around his shoulder, rubbing his back in circles as I say "Oh, mum, this is Dan, or Daniel Howell, and he is my boyfriend." I smile and look over at Dan when saying boyfriend. "Oh. How lovely!" she replied, seeing shocked. "H-hi I, um, I'm uh, D-Dan, nice t-to um, meet you. I'm, I'm Dan, oh wait, I- I already said that d-didn't I... I'm, I'm sorry. I, I under-understand if y-you want, me to, like, leave." He turned towards me, burying his face into my chest. I knew he was crying when I heard his faint sobs and felt my shirt become soaked. "Hey mum, could you give us a minute?" I asked as I rubbed Dan's back, kissing the top of his head. "Of course." She smiled.

"Danny?" I asked, concern clouding my voice. I took hold of his hand, dragging him over to the bench on the front porch. "Bear, look at me." He shook his head. "Please, for me?" I asked, my voice cracking. After that he decided to look at me, and for a second I wish he hadn't. "Phil, she hates me. I haven't even met your dad yet and everything's going wrong. I- *sniffle* I ruined everything I'm so sorry."  "Bear, she doesn't hate you, in fact I think she likes you. Now, shall we go inside now?" I smiled at him, still holding him close. "Yeah, I guess."

    "Mum! Dad! We're back!" Almost immediately after the words escape my mouth my dad is in the room, taking my hand to shake it. "Hello son, who is this young man?" My dad asked with a smile. "I'm, um, Daniel Howell sir, your-your sons-" "Boyfriend, he's my boyfriend dad, and I love him very much." I smiled, grabbing Dan's hand.

   "Oh! Congrats son, I'm proud of you. Nice to meet you, Daniel, was it?" "Oh, yes sir, but you could call me Dan." I pulled Dan closer to me, proud of him for having calmed down so much. I looked at him, and began thinking about how lucky I am. I am lucky enough to have wonderful parent who support me, and the best boyfriend in the entire world.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as a voice said "Dinner is in the kitchen." Still holding Dan's hand, I dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down in the chair next to mine before getting up to get us some drinks. Once getting everyone's drinks, I sat down to finally get some food. Tonight we were having my moms famous spaghetti. She makes it whenever we have guests over to make people believe all of her cooking is good.

"Wait where is Sydney?" I ask. Sydney is my adopted sister, she's only five and can be quite a handful.

   As if she heard me, she was running down stairs and jumping into my lap. "Who is thiths Phiwwy?" "This is my boyfriend Dan, Syd." I replied with a smile. "So you are wiff another boy? That's weird Phiwwy, don't you know thath only boys and girls should be together?" My face fell and I quickly looked at Dan to make sure he was alright still, only to find him looking scared. "Where did you hear that from?" I asked genuinely curious. She's only in kindergarten, people her age shouldn't be thinking this yet. "All of my teachthers say thath and the meanie boys in my clath." She replied. "Well listen here Syd, there is nothing wrong with liking your own gender, you hear me?" I ask. "OK Phiwwy."


    "DAN NO!" I shout. We have just gotten back to the apartment from my parents house and have decided to have a midnight game of Mario Kart. "MWUAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. I AM MARIO KART MASTER, BOW DOWN TO ME PEASANT." Yeah Dan might get a little too competitive... "Shhh Dan, we have neighbours right on the other side of those walls!" I replied, remembering we live in an apartment and it's midnight. "Oh please, we hear worse. Remember, that one dude who moans everyday at 8:00 am... And the constant drilling outside. I mean honestly." He does have a good point... "I guess, but I'm getting tired. Sleepies?" I ask. "Alright, I suppose." I'm about to stand up when all of a sudden I'm being picked up and carried. I laughed. "Daaaan, I can walk you know?" I exclaimed, secretly liking being held though. "You said you were tired so deal with it you blueberry muffin." "Awe too bad I'm not a green muffin, than you would definitely want me in your mouth." I replied, winking. "All right that's it." He replied, dropping me onto the bed before attacking me with tickles.

   Let's just say we didn't end up going to sleep until a few hours later.

So that was it!! I hope you liked the first chapter... Idk how it was but it was long at least...

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