Florida Adventures <1>

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Suggested by someone who I now consider my internet best friend TheTrueTurtlegirl or Laoorenn as I like to call her! honestly if you haven't read her oneshot book yet then go over there its much better than mine.. and that's not meant to be self hate she just has more experience than me and actually knows how to spell.

Also there's quite a bit of time skips (so far at least, I'm not writing this after the chapter is done)

Status: Husband's yeet
POV: Danny Boi

     "DANIEL! GET DOWN HERE THE TAXI IS GOING TOO ARRIVE IN LESS  THAN FIVE MINUTES!" I hear being screamed up to me. I was currently last minute packing before Phil and I head to the airport to go on his families trip to Florida. It's my first year going as only married couples are allowed on the trip and we just got married this year. 2017 will be a year to remember for sure.

     I'm about to zip up the suitcase when I see something from the corner of my eyes. Phil's sonic underwear, one of the pairs he was planing on bringing for the trip. I quickly throw them in the suitcase before zipping it up and heading to the front of the bedroom, doing a little turnaround to make sure I haven't forgotten something.

    Picking up the suitcase, which is quite heavy may I add, I start speeding down the stairs, luckily not falling over in the process. "Alright, I'm ready to- what are you doing?" I stop, noticing that he seems to be messing with our stove clock. "Um.. Changing the time??" What? "Why would you do that?" I ask suspiciously. "I may or may not have changed all the clocks in the house and stole your phone so you would think we're running late.. When really we don't leave for another 30 minutes.." My face falls into an unamused frown. "You what?" "I-I'm sorry I just didn't want to be late!" He replied, somehow looking genuinely sorry whilst smiling. "Ugh. You're lucky you're so cute." I said, pulling him into a hug.

"So, what should we do for the next 30 minutes?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "I say we eat some breakfast because I thought I didn't have enough time this morning." I said playfully glaring at him. "Oh shut up!" He says, pulling away from the hug and moving into the kitchen. "I'm just trying to tell the truth.." I replied, smirking.


     "So, the first thing we always do when meeting up at the hotel is go out for dinner, so don't expect to get any rest alright?" Phil was currently explaining to me how the night is going to work, as we have just got off of the plane. "Right.. Ok.." I responded, getting used to the circumstances. Another thing is we are completely out to our phans as married, meaning we could be affectionate. I looked down and grabbed Phil's hand. "So, is the taxi here already?" I asked. "I believe so.. He responded."


"So Dan, how are you darling?" I heard Katherine say from across the table. Tonight she was wearing a very pretty dress that looked so good on her and it was perfect for the summer heat that comes with traveling to America. "I'm good thanks. I've gotten used to being married to this goofball by now." I smiled, nudging my elbow against Phil's arm. "Hey! Well, I still haven't gotten used to you." He responded, pouting. I roll my eyes, dropping my arm over his shoulder. "That's your loss, not mine." I smiled again. I look across the table once again to see Martyn, Phil's brother, and Cornelia, Martyn's wife, chuckling. "Shut up you doofus!" He exclaimed, pouting once again. "You love me." I responded giving him heart eyes. "No, I don't." He replied trying to act serious. "Fine then, I'll just go up to the room and start packing my stuff then." I joke, standing up and walking over to the door, giving a cheeky smile to the rest of Phil's family so they are aware I'm joking.

"Babe! Come back I was only joking!" I hear from behind me, but I want to play this joke out a bit longer, so I continue walking to the elevator. Next thing I know Phil is in front of me wheezing, probably from running the small distance over here. He wrapped his arms around me, in the process saying "I was only joking Danny, I love you" "I know you were dork, I was too. Sorry if actually upset you though." I replied, kissing the top of his forehead. "It's alright.. Let's go back to dinner yeah?" I smile, nodding my head.

We head back to dinner, hand in hand, and sit down in the booth again. Once we sit down we look at the rest of the family and we that they are all holding back a laugh. "Oh shut up!" Phil says, and apparently, that is enough to trigger the laughter that comes with it. Phil then rolls his eyes at his, no, our family, and leans his back into my chest so that I am forced to wrap my arms around his waist. "AWWWW" Comes a girly screech from in front of us, so I look back up startled to see Cornilla staring at us in amazement. I blush, not quite used to PDA yet.

I look down at Phil and give him a kiss on the cheek as I notice the waiter is arriving, making Cornilla fangirl more but also notice our food has arrived. "Lion, the food is here you need to get up now." I whisper into his ear. I see him pout, but get up anyways. Realizing he was in the mood for affection, I grabbed his left hand, happy with the fact I'm left-handed and he's right-handed so we will continue to be able to eat.

"Yummy this is delicious!" I started, digging into my pasta and looking up at Phil. "Buahhhahahahahaa!!" He laughs, and I look at him confused. "You've for something.. There." He replied, using his thumb to wipe off what I'm assuming is sauce off of my lip. He then proceeded to stick the sauce into his mouth. "Yum! Give me more." He exclaimed, reaching for my plate. "Noooo, eat your own, you food stealer."


"Have a good night, guys, we'll see you in the morning!" I said before walking off with Phil to the elevator so we could go up to our room. "Wow, I'm stuffed! I can't wait to be able to go to the room and cuddle." I announce. "Yeah me too, though I hope you don't expect me to cuddle you before you take a shower, you stink!" "Whoever said we couldn't take a shower together?" I responded, smirking. "Ooh, good idea. Then you could massage my head and clean my body for me." "Only if you do me too!" I was secretly extremely excited for this. "Of course my prince."


We were now cuddled up in bed, me currently being the small spoon. "I love you, Philly, I can't wait for all the adventures we are going to have here in Florida."


Wow that took forever! Sorry about that Lauren, but hey who knows maybe they'll be a second part in the future 🤭.

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