Drunk Dan Acts Crazy

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Thanks Abby_readz for the suggestion!!! You guys should check out her story it's amazing and I have suggested some of the stories.

Summary: Dan drinks to much while filming internet support group and things get crazy.



    "From Alexa, age 22, from America, says 'People keep telling me to play despacito but I don't want to do it anymore, can you help me.' Well *drinks more alcohol* Ale-Alexa, I think that you-"

    "Daniel James Howell." I heard a voice say. "Hey that's me!! That's my name!" I heard a sigh. "How much alcohol did you drink?" I finally turn around to see my boyfriend, Phil, standing by me. "Oh not too much, just maybe one bottle, or a bottle and a half I'm not too sure actually." I scratched the back of my neck. "DAN!!! What were you thinking? Ugh you can barley handle a cup, your gonna be so drunk.." I just laughed.

   "Come here, love." My boyfriend said, holding out his arms. "No." I replied sassily. "Excuse me?" "I said no. I have to finish my video." I answered.

His face turned upset. "Alright then, I'll just leave you alone. Don't be expecting cuddles after you're done though." He sounded serious. "Wait no! Philly! I want cuddies." I attempted to stand up, almost breaking my arm in the process. "Woah, careful love, you're drunk." I laughed. "Am not!"

"All right then, let me see you walk from here, to that wall, without losing balance." He challenged, letting go of me.

I attempted walking, and it started off well but about half way through my drunken state caught up with me, sending me plummeting to the ground. I was prepared for the worst, possibly a broken nose, a broken foot. Just when I was about to hit the ground I felt two strong arms wrap around me, lifting me up and setting me down. "Woah Danny, are you OK?" "Well why wouldn't I be." I responded sassily, once again.

"Well Dan, I guess if your gonna act that way I could just walk away right now, leaving you to make your own way up to the guest room to go to sleep." "No Philly, I'm sorry. Thank youuuuu. I love you."

He smiled. "I know Danny, come here." I walked into his embrace and he kissed the top of my forehead. "What do you want to do Danny? Watch TV? Order pizza and then watch anime? Have a movie night? Go to sleep?"

All of those sounded nice, but I wanted to do something else. "I wanna build a fort. "Fort!" My boyfriends face turned confused. "What?" "Fort, Philly! Let's build a fort!"

    "Um... I don't know if that's the best ide-" "Please Phiwwyyyy????" I gave puppy dog eyes. "OK fine! But be careful, I don't want you getting hurt."

I pull away from his embrace, forgetting for a split second that I'm drunk and can barely walk. I can feel myself about to fall and lean on Phil, but just my luck he wasn't prepared and we both start falling, luckily in the direction of the couch.

    "Well hello there." I said, as I was now laying on top of Phil on the couch. "Hi." He kissed my nose, giggling. "Let me get up so I could go get you some water. That should allow you to walk, you crazy spoon." I got off of him, moving over to my sofa crease to sit. So maybe doing something that involved a lot of moving wasn't the best idea but I don't really care.

"BABY BABY BABY OOH." I started singing the classic Justin Bieber song. "BABY BABY BABY OOOOOH." I heard a faint laugh coming from the kitchen before a smiling Phil entered the room. "Here is your water you doof, now I'm going to go get the blankets."


    "Philly let's watch a movie!" I said once we finished the fort. "Dan Darling, it's two in the morning are you sure you want to do that?"

"Yeah I guess.." I replied, realising how tired I actually am.

I'm sorry this one was kinda short but idk what it's like being drunk and I have also never been around a drunk person...

I also felt bad because Abby requested this awhile ago...

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