The Burn

719 25 10

Summary: Phil burns himself and tries to hide it from Dan blah blah blah

Status; Boyfriends

Suggested by Abby_readz who is also gonna be writing a chapter based off this prompt but it's probably not gonna be the same.



Dan was out right now, getting items from the store, so I was taking it as an opportunity to read my book in peace. I was currently laying on our bed next to the scented candle we owned, smelling the vanilla scent it brought.

I leaned over to get a better wiff of it, book still in hand, and started feeling a warm sensation. I looked towards the book, only to find that it had set on fire. In panic, I threw it on the ground, not sure what to do, and started violently smacking the fire with my hand. It eventually got put out, but now that the stress was over the burning sensation of my hand in the fire set in.

I head to the bathroom, turning on the cold water, which was always freezing at this time of year, and put my hand in it until it's no longer warm, thinking it should be fine now. Going back to the room to retrieve my now slightly burnt book, I hid it in one of the bedside drawers, not wanting Dan to question it.


It's later that night when Dan arrives home, carrying a load of groceries with him. I take some from his hand, putting them in my non burnt hand, as the injured one is in a lot of pain, and take them into the kitchen.

Once everything is put away, I turn towards Dan and embrace him in a big hug. "Hello Danny." I say quietly. "Well hello my sunshine, how are you?" "Oh! I'm really good! How about we watch some anime and order pizza? I'm starving." I announce. "OK?? Why are you acting strange??" Panic. "Oh! Um, I'm not sure actually.. Hehe.." I replied nervously.


    "Phil? Are you sure your alright??" Dan asked me, concerned. Am I really that obvious? "Um yeah??" I replied, but it came out more as a question.

Dan grabbed my hand through the glove I was wearing, and I winced away in pain. "Woah there, what's wrong?" He asked, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze, thinking I was just nervous. "OOOOW!" I scream, before realising I gave everything away. Dan looked in my eyes, shocked, before taking off the glove.

Horror struck his eyes as he examined my burnt hand. "Wha- Phil what happened?" He asked, dropping my hand and grabbing the one that wasn't injured. "Whaaaat? How did that get there?? Heh.." I asked, and Dan gave me that loom that screamed 'really Phil?'

    "I um... Itriedtoputoutafirewithmyhand.." I blurted out.

    "What was that lion? I couldn't understand you??" Dan asked, still extremely concerned.

    "I was trying to put out a book that caught in fire... And we'll.. Burnt my hand.." I looked down, ashamed. "PHIL!! Why didn't you tell me sooner?? This is why can't leave you alone..." Dan exclaimed. "Im sorry Bear, I didn't want to worry you.." "It's fine, let's just, um... Soak it in some water for 30 minutes and then put some medicine on it alright??" He said.


     We were laying on our bed, I had just finished up with my hand and now Dan and I were cuddling. "Your a spork, and an idiot, you know that right?" Dan asked, ruining our comfortable silence. "Yeah, but im your idiot and spork." I replied, smiling up at him.


I know this wasn't my best but im working on something kinda different and I think it should be better!

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