Anxiety and Presentations

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Summary: Phil gas an anxiety attack bc he's nervous about a presentation at school

Status: Boyfriends

Warning: anxiety attack

I'm just saying, I've never had an anxiety attack so I'm sorry if this isn't accurate.



    "Hey Philly? I know your scared, but you have to go to school dear." Came the soft and loving voice of my boyfriend, which confused me as he didn't live here. I pride my eyes open, looking up to see my boyfriend sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at me lovingly. "Huh? Why are you here?" I asked him, slowly sitting up and grabbing his hand. He smiled, "I'm picking you up today, remember? Your mum let me in saying you wouldn't get up." He explained. "Now, not that you don't look hot like this, because trust me you do, but you only have 10 minutes to get ready. I already plugged in your straightener for you and packed your bag, you just need to get dressed and brush your teeth. I'll go out to the kitchen and talk to mum." He stood up, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him.


    I walked downstairs, finding Dan and my mum having a conversation. "Well there you are! It took you long enough, did you remember your anxiety pills?" Dan asked, stepping towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me into a hug. "Oh shoot, no I didn't." I replied, and he smiled at me, letting go from the hug and walking towards the medicine cabinet. "That's why I made sure to put some in here, just in case so you don't have to walk upstairs again." He said, handing me two pills and some water that he had grabbed while talking. "Phil, Dan's a really lovely boy, he sure is a keeper." My mum said, making me blush. "Thank you Kath, I really appreciate it." Dan replied, looking at her. "Now Philly, we need to head to school now or we might be late to first class!" Dan grabbed my hand, walking us to the front door.

    "I don't wanna go Danny!" I complained, but continued walking with him. "I know Lion, but think about it this way, you present first period, and after that no more presentations for that class for the rest of the year! If you don't go today, Mr. Clark will just make you do it when you get back, you know that." He responded, leading me outside to his car. He opened my door, letting me get in before shutting it and heading to his side.


    "Dan I don't like it." I announced, walking into the classroom. I felt a bit off and I think I knew why. "I feel off, Dan." I commented. He looked at me, looking only a little concerned right now. "Hey, you've got this. Just remember to breath, and look at me, alright?" He grabbed my hand before we both took our seats. The school knew my condition and how much I needed Dan so put us in all the same classes.

    The teacher started taking attendance and soon enough the presentations were starting.

    Dan was going up now and I knew I was right after him, so I was starting to get really nervous.

    Dan's presentation is over now and I walk up, and right before I start speaking the anxiety that was built up decided to show up. I started shaking, and soon enough tears were streaming down my face. I slouched to the floor, burying my head in my hands. In a flash, I felt an arm wrap around me and shouting that sounded something like, "Back up! Give- space!" and a voice I recognised as Dan's.

    I open my eyes, seeing Dan looking at me, concern very present on his face. "Shh Phil, your ok. It's ok. Breath. In- out- in- out. Yeah, that's it, see, nothing to worry about." He said, calming me down. There were still tears streaming down my face, and it was instinct for me to collapse in his arms for a hug. I burst into tears, probably soaking his shirt, but I know he doesn't care.

    "May we go to the bathroom?" I heard Dan ask, and considering I was being picked up I assumed Mr. Clark nodded his head yes.

    Once we got into the bathroom, Dan sat me down and grabbed both of my hands, looking me in the eyes. "Are you ok now?" He asked, and I nodded. "Do you need any water? I had already grabbed my bottle considering you don't have one." I nodded again, and he opened his water for me before giving it to me. "Do you want to go back to your place? I know you prefer going back home after one of these, I could stop by the principals office and tell him." I nodded once again. He looked at me confused, before standing up and helping me up. Wrapping his arm around my waist, we began walking back to class to get our stuff and walked to the principles Office.


We were now sitting on my bed after Dan explained the situation to my mum. His hands were in mine and he looked up at me. "Now Phil, my dear, why aren't you talking? That's never been a side effect before." Dan asks, looking concerned. "I-I" I stuttered as tears cascaded down my face. "Shh, Philly your ok. Breath Lion." He said, wiping the tears off of my face. He pulled me into a hug and put me in his lap. "It- it was one of the- the worst ones Dan. I-I think th-the med-medicine isn't wo-working as-as well an-anymore." I announced, thinking about my anxiety getting worse. "Woah, Phil. Are you serious?" He asked me, seeming even more concerned before because my anxiety was all ready really bad. I nodded.

He got up, going to my door and screaming out it, "Kath, I think you should come here!" before coming over and sitting on the bed again. "What is it dear?" Mum asked walking into the room. "Do you want me to say Lion or are you?" He asked, grabbing my hand. "Uh- uh- you please." I said, burying my face into his chest and letting some tears fall. I felt him begin to rub my back before saying "Phil's anxiety has gotten even worse, the pills aren't working anymore." He said seriously. "Oh, well, I guess I should probably make a doctor's appointment then... I'll go do that now." She replied, shocked.

I heard the door shut again and looked up at Dan. "Hey, it's OK Phil. Everything will be alright. I will never leave your side.


I just changed the font on wattpad to Rockwell and I really like this font! Like it's really cute and even the words that aren't bolded seem kinda bold which helps with the fact that my words get mixed up sometimes.

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