New Years Gift

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Summary: Phil has liked Dan for awhile but didn't know how to tell him.

Status: Best Friends, Inseparable



    December 31, 2018. Which means it has been almost 7 years of me loving my best friend. It's been since 2012. The year Dan shoved me away. That year was rough for us, but in the end it made our bond stronger and helped us to realise we could get through anything.

    Or I hope so at lease. We could get through any fight, but is knowing your best friend is in love with you different? What if he hates me? What if he never wants to see me again? But also, what if he feels the same?

    I can't get these thoughts out of my mind. It is currently 11:30 pm, and Dan and I are walking around London for old times sake. We had planned, conveniently enough for me, to go on the London Eye a few minutes before the clock strikes 12, so we can be looking over the wonderful city as the start of a new year comes.

"My hands are cold. I forgot to bring gloves because SOMEONE was rushing me." I heard, interrupting me from my thoughts. Without thought of the consequence that could happen, I took hold of his hands, and they were, in fact, very cold. As I did so I swear I saw a smile form on his lips. "I'm sorry bear, I just didn't want to be late." I looked over to him. "No, it's fine, I was just practi-" He got silent. "Carry on?" "Oh. Um, nothing. It's nothing. You'll find out later." He mumbled the last sentence. I decided to let it go and continued to just hold his hand.

    "We're next Dan! Aren't you excited?" I asked, trying to hide the anxiety peering through me. "Oh, um, yeah... Definitely." He didn't seem too sure of himself. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked, squeezing his hand. "Oh um, yeah! I'm great." I was reassured. "Are you sure? We, we don't have to go on if you don't want." I said, a frown forming on my lips. "No! No! We can definitely go on the ride.. I was just thinking, about, well, just stuff." "OK, but you can tell me if you want."

    "Next up!" I hear. I look infront of us to see an older man looking at us expectingly. I'm confused at first before realising it's our turn in the ride.

    We stepped on, and the door locked, securing us in the compartment. "You know Dan, I've been thinking lately, and, well, I have something to tell you." I said, deciding by the time we actually get up there I would be able to tell him. "Oh really? That's weird, so do I." He replied nervously.

    As we got as we got closer to the top, I decided to check the time. 11:58. "D-Dan, the-theres only um-um, tw-two minutes unt-until new-new years." I stutter, becoming anxious at the thoughts of what I'm about to do. We are fully at the top of the Eye right now, stopped and able to see a wonderful view. "So, um, what did you want to tell me?" I asked. "Oh, you can go first." "No you can." No you can." What about we both do at the same time?" I finally concluded, realising I had less that a minute.

    "OK, one. Two. Three."

    "I like you." I was shocked. Did I hear him right? I must have. Did we both just confess at the same time? We must have. After my mind had processed what was going on, I leaned in and kissed him, right as time struck midnight, fireworks exploding in the air around us. It was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better beginning to a new year.


So there we go! I hope you liked this short little chapter! It wasn't planned... I'm sorry if it was kind bad and rushed, but I was on a time limit to get it out before new years so I had to rush a bit.

Anyways. I hope you guys have a wonderful new year and that it treats you well. Have a wonderful night!

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