The Walk to Success

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Summary: Dan's graduating and Phil comes

Status: Boyfriend (again there together oops)



    It's my graduation day. I'm finally free from this prison people call school! I still have to go to college but I don't even care, I am too excited to be able to be seeing my boyfriend Phil, and we're going to be going to the same college!

Phil is a grade ahead of me, so he graduated last year, and I haven't been able to see him very much because of school but today he has a free day so he can come see me graduate. I'm extremely excited because I haven't seen him in what seems like forever and I can't wait to see him in the crowd.


I'm here and I can't see him yet. Graduation has started and names are being pulled but he's not here, my Phil is not here. What happened to him? Did he get sick? Is he hurt? Did he get in a crash? What if he decided he was done with me and just didn't show up?

All while I was thinking this, my name was coming closer. The last names being "Harold" and "Henry". I was about to cry but I couldn't do that, not on my graduation day! And then my name was being called, and I was standing up, trying not to look upset with the hundreds of eyes staring at me. I started walking to the front, and the principle was making his speech. I stood at front, not even bothering to look at the chairs, as I know one of them will be empty, where my- where Phil should be sitting.

I turn back to walk away when the crowd starts screaming, and it seems impossible, but I could hear it. I heard Phil's scream, and then he shouted "GO DAN! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I turn around and there he was, standing by the seat that was just empty moments ago. A smile spreads across my face, he made it.


The last person is making their speech, and I was definitely not paying attention. I was focused on Phil, in the third row by the middle. I was focused on how in just a few more seconds I could jump off the stage and see him. Right as the girl was done with her speech, I jumped out of my seat, running to the end of the stage and jumping off, and flying into my lovers arms.

"I love you so much. Oh my gosh Phil, I love you so much. You made it. I thought you decided not to come." I was crying tears of joy into his chest, and I know my words were muffled but he understood every single one of them.

"I love you Danny, you did it. You graduated. I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed holding me closer than before.

    I pulled away from him, looking up into his eyes before slowly inching towards him. My lips were so close to his, and then they joined together. Our first kiss in months, and it felt so perfect.


Hey guys! Would you like another chapter where they are in college? Idk how college works so it might be a bit different but I could try if you would like!!

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