Valentine Baking

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Summary: Dan and Phil are out to the world and decide to do some valentines day baking

Status: Husbands


Third Person

"Hello Dan and Phil games!..." Phil started before realizing he was in fact, not on the gaming channel. Dan turned from the camera, looking at his husband like he was crazy but also showing love. "Phil you dork! This isn't the gaming channel." He said, turning back to the camera and rolling his eyes. "I know I'm just so used to being next to you in the gaming room.." Phil said, looking away embarrassed. "Yeah because I'm definitely not in almost all of your videos." Dan replied sarcastically, grabbing Phil's shoulders and facing him towards the camera. He gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before speaking, "Anyways guys, we are going to be making little heart shaped cookies and decorating them with these red sprinkles!" He said, picking up the sprinkles and shaking them. "Now, we are going to be using a random recipe off of pintrest so if you want to use an actual recipe we'll link it down below." Phil said, pointing down before slipping and almost falling, well he would have fallen if Dan hadn't caught him. "Woah there clumsy head, be careful I wouldn't want the best husband in the world to die!" Dan exclaimed, pulling Phil into a hug. "Yeah, I don't want you to die either Dan." Phil said, looking up at Dan lovingly. "You win this round mister Lester." Dan stated, giving Phil a quick kiss before pulling away from their hug.

    "So, you will need!" Dan said, jumping up in the air and doing mini jazz hands. "2 eggs! Straight from the chickens a-" "Dan! No!" "-area, I was saying area.. Yeah..." He said, not too convincing though. "4 and 1/4 Cup of flour, 1/4 teaspoon of lemon or almost extract! We are using lemons because almonds can't be trusted... 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 and 2/3 cups of granulated sugar, whatever that means, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 sanding sugar, 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, and lastly, unsalted butter!"

"Woah Dan good job, you didn't do anything stupid for once." Phil said with a cheeky smile. "Oh you little bi-" "Hey no! Don't call your wonderful husband a female dog it's not very nice." Phil said with a fake frown. "Ok fine but for that you deserve something else!" Dan replied, moving over to Phil and grabbing his waste. Phil, on Instinct, looked up at Dan's lips and started moving towards them, before he got a tickle in his side. "Dan! No! That's not fair I thought I was getting a kiss!" He said, laughing and leaning up against the counter. "Well you were wrong Lester!" Dan replied, tickling him once more but being careful not to make him fall, as he doesn't want him hurt. "I mean *giggle* technically your a Lester *giggle* to so you could *giggle* be taking about yourself." Phil replied before breaking into another fit of laughter. Dan was smiling as well, because whenever Phil is smiling Dan can't help but be happy. "Stop you doof or I'm calling a divorce." Phil said, obviously joking. Dan was taken back though, and stopped, even though he knew Phil was joking, it came out of nowhere. He shook his head, and stopped tickling him anyways. "Um, anyways.." Dan said, trying to change the topic as he now felt awkward.

    "Hey," Phil said, grabbing Dan's hand, "You know I'm joking, right? I'm gonna cut this out by the way." He finished, concern covering his face. Dan nodded, "ye-yeah." He stuttered. Phil frowned. "Dan, I love you so very much." Phil grabbed Dan's other hand while talking. "Yeah I know, it just came out of no where and- and I starting thinking about what I would actually do if that happened." He frowned, and Phil all of a sudden felt guilty. "Oh I'm sorry bear, I didn't mean to scare you, but that would never happen so you have nothing to worry about." Phil said, smiling, and Dan's spirit was instantly lifted up, and he smiled. "Now, if you want we can continue this talk after filming but I think we should probably finish." Phil announced letting go of Dan's hands and smiling at him.

    "Also guys! The oven has to be set to 176 degrees Celsius or 350 degrees  Fahrenheit." Phil said, getting back to the video.


    "Alright guys so now that the cookies are done baking it's tine for the decoration station!" Dan announced, sitting down at the little booth him and Phil had made. "Come on Philly sit down!" Dan said, patting the seat next to him. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Phil replied. "Haha, that's what she said!" Dan joked, which Phil then proceeded to walk away from him and into the lounge.

"Noooo Lion come baaack. I love you!!! I won't say it agaaaaain. Lion pleaaaase." Dan yelled into the lounge. He heard an "ugh." before Phil came walking in the room and taking a seat next to Dan. "Yay lion!" Dan screamed, wrapping his arm around Phil. "Why are you being so cute today?" Phil asked, making love eyes at Dan. "Because I loooove youuu." He replied, and Phil blushed. "I love you too my little bear." He said, giving Dan a quick peck.


    "Phil sweetie, that looks like a dead peacock." Dan said laughing. They were just about done decorating the cookies and Phil's last one looked awful. "Awe shut up Dan, it's the thought that counts!" Phil replied, looking over at Dan. "I guess your right..." Dan said, and then a cookie was being smashed into his mouth. "Phiiiiil, this was supposed to be romantic and cute." Dan said with a frown. "Well then let's make it romantic, feed me." Phil says with a smile. Dan then proceeded to pick up a cookie, put some of it in his mouth and leaned in towards Phil's lips, connecting them once Phil has broken the cookie in half.

    "Alright, I think this video is long enough, I think we should go now." Phil said, looking over at Dan with the famous love eyes Lester. "Alright, my channel is here, my goofy husband's channel is here, and here is our gaming channel." Dan said, pointing towards all those things. He wrapped his arm around Phil, pulling him close and kissing him, covering and turning of the camera in the process.

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