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Dan and Phil aren't collabing as much anymore. You guys don't understand how much that means to me.

You don't.

Their friendship inspired me.

I'm going through the same situation Dan went through when he was little. I don't have a best friend. Someone is always choosing someone else over me.

I mean sure I have someone who says im their best friend but does a best friend choose other people over you?

I was hoping that maybe I would find that one person who would choose me over anyone like Dan did, but does them not collabing as much mean separation? That's how I picture it.


It's not even the fact I won't be getting as much "phan content"

As much as I ship them, I just need them together.

OK mini break I had to stop writing this for a few minutes because I almost started crying and im in the car with my parents.

When I say need, im not being overdramatic.

Some might say im obsessed but I say they don't understand.


Seeing them happy together makes me happy.

Seeing them talking together makes me happy.

Seeing them being in the same room as each other makes me happy.

Just seeing them together.

Them loving each other platonically or not.


Um hey sorry for not updating in like 80 years but school is starting soon and we just helped my brother move into college and all this other stuff. let's just say I need a break. shoot im about to cry again. um yeah.. I hope you understand I just can't do this. i can't keep writing about them being together when they might be drifting apart, that's too sad for me. I'll be back, this isn't the end. I'll still be reading phanfictions I just need a break for my mental health. thanks for understanding.


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