engagment party

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Summary: It's Dan and Phil's engagement party, as Phil had recently proposed. They get into an argument during it and Dan gets upset.

Status: Engaged


Third Person

    "Hey Dan, come here!" Phil said from across the room. They were currently at a party they were hosting for the calibration of their engagement that happened a few weeks ago, and had barely had any time to talk to each other all throughout the party.

    "Hey Lion, how are you?" Dan asked, grabbing Phil's hand with his. "I'm great! I love this party so much." Phil said with a smile. "That's great..." Dan said with a fake smile. Phil frowned, obviously realizing something was wrong with his fiancé.

Phil got up, dragging Dan into the kitchen with him. "Hey, what's wrong?" Phil said, grabbing both of Dan's hands and sitting down across from him. "N-nothing is wrong, Darling." Dan said, not meeting Phil's eyes. "Dan, don't do this, I know you, inside, literally, *cough, cough* and out." Phil's joke made Dan chuckle, but he just shrugged and shook his head no.

"Dan, I'm your fiancé, you tell me everything." Phil said, frowning about what could be going on in his lovers head. "Well Phil, I just don't feel like talking about it ok?" Dan snapped, suddenly standing up. That's when Phil lost it, he knew he should have respected Dan's decision, but he was worried about Dan and his health, so he wasn't necessarily thinking right.

"WELL YOU'VE ALWAYS TOLD ME EVERYTHING UP TO NOW! WHAT HAS CHANGED?!" Phil screened. Dan flinched at Phil's sudden outburst but soon felt anger boiling in himself as well. "WELL, THINGS CHANGE PHIL! MAYBE I WON'T TELL YOU ANYTHING AGAIN!" Dan said, not thinking. Clearly, Phil wasn't either with what he said next. "WELL, YOU KNOW WHAT DAN, YOU KNOW WHAT? I. HATE. YOU." He seemed to realize what he said as soon as he said it, as he fell back into his chair and pulled his hair, suddenly feeling as if the world was spinning.

Dan was running upstairs, slowing as he sees the pictures of him and Phil from when they first started dating, to after Phil proposed. Once he reaches the bedroom, he shuts the door quietly, not wanting to gain attention from the guests, before dropping onto the bed and sobbing, twisting his engagement ring back and forth with worry.

    Phil ran upstairs, ready to say whatever he needed to conform to Dan he doesn't hate him. He knew he had messed up, that Dan should leave him, but he was hoping Dan wouldn't. He then burst through the door, heart breaking at the sight he saw. He ran up to his fiancé, wrapping his arm around him and whispering words of comfort into his ear.

    "Get. Away. From. Me." Dan said, sounding the angriest Phil has ever heard him, which scared him a lot. Phil stood up, walking away from the bed but staying in the room. "GET OUT!" Dan screamed, taking off his engagement ring and throwing it at Phil. Once he realised what Dan had thrown at him, he was about to have a full on breakdown, but that wasn't allowed in front of Dan. Not with the pain he was going through.

    Phil ran out the door, letting the tears free as soon as he shut the door. He ran downstairs, going through the kitchen and into the living room and running past Louise talking to PJ. "Hey Phil, what's wrong?" Louise asked, but Phil wasn't stopping. He ran and ran and ran. He was way far away from the apartment building by now, running towards the park he proposed to Dan in, still holding the ring in his hand as he leaves a trail of tears behind him.


     Back at the apartment, Dan was now sitting up on the bed, realizing the item he had thrown at Phil was his engagement ring he had been twisting on his finger, and not a crumbled piece of paper. He was still crying, but he was more in shock now. In shock that he hadn't realized what item he had thrown at his fiancé, the item where if you threw it, that was the end of a relationship that could have been wonderful, the engagement ring. 

    As he is in the process of thinking about what he is going to do, Louise and PJ burst through the door. Dan heard a whole bunch of "what happened with Phil?" and "why did Phil run out of the apartment crying?" Before they stopped, realizing Dan was also crying, and he wasn't wearing his engagement ring. The look on their faces changed immediately from worry, to sympathy and sadness. "Oh Dan, what happened?" Louise asked, taking the hand of Dan's that used to have an engagement ring on it.

     "I- I was talking to Phil and w-we got-got into a li-little argument and Phil said, he said he hated me. After that I got all m-mad and ran up hear and started twis-twisting my engagement ring, something I do when-when I don't have Phil to comfort me, and-and I accidentally threw it at him thinking it was a piece of paper." Dan said, more tears escaping his iris'. "Well Dan, I don't think Phil meant what he said, as he came running downstairs bawling his eyes out. He really loves you." Pj said, trying to comfort his crying friend. "Wait Pj, Louise, I need- I need to get to Phil. It's- it's midnight he can't be out there on his own." Dan said, standing up and walking to the door before running downstairs and out the door to the place he knew Phil would be.

"Phil?! Phil Love, I'm sorry!" Dan screams, stopping to catch his breath. As he does so, he hears faint sobs coming from the bench about 5 feet away from him. He knew immediately it was Phil. He walked over to him, stopping once in front of him.

"Hey, can I sit?" Dan asked, afraid Phil was still mad at him. Phil said nothing, but slightly nodded his head so Dan took it as the opportunity to sit. "I'm sorry." Dan whispered. "I-I didn't mean to throw my ring at you. I thought it was a piece of paper." Dan said, ashamed. Phil looked up at him, tears rolling down his face "D-do you still want to-to get married then?" Phil asked, slight hope ringing in his voice. "Well I do, but I don't think you want to." Dan frowned, thinking about how Phil said he hated him. "Why would you think that?" Phil asked, grabbing Dan's hand. "Well, because you-you said you hated me." Dan replied, tears welling in his eyes. "Oh Dan... I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. I love you so much, I could never hate you." Phil replied, caressing Dan's cheek. "So, can I give you the ring back then?" Phil asked, and Dan nodded, smiling. Phil put the ring on his fiancé's finger, rubbing over his knuckles and smiling. "I think I need to tell you why I was upset." Dan announced, and Phil looked up at him shocked. "You don't have to, I don't want to start another argument." Phil replied, but Dan shook his head, insisting.

    "It's just, your parents were there. They were being all nice and friendly and I couldn't help think about the fact my parents disowned me. Literally in court, I have no parents anymore Phil, and it just makes me upset." Dan said, the tears in his eyes now falling. "Hey, hey hey hey. If your parents disowned you for that, it's probably for the best, they must have been bi*ches," Phil said. "and I know that you still want those wonderful parents, but mine could do that for you. My parents already think of you as one of their own, so just embrace it, alright?" Phil finishes, looking up at Dan and giving him a quick kiss to the cheek. Dan nodded. "Now, should we head back now?" Phil asked, grabbing Dan's hand again and pulling him off of the bench. "Oh yeah, and Phil, we have a lot of explaining to do to Pj and Louise." Dan said smiling.


Soooo... im back! it's been like a month but im back. "A month without uploading."

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