Americas Got Talent

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So, let me just say, im American. Im aware Dan and Phil aren't American nor do they live in America, but because of my knowledge, this is America's Got Talent, not Britain's got talent. That is all.

Summary: Cuteness

Status: Boyfriends



I press the keys against the piano delicately as I play Beethoven's song Moonlight Sonata. It's one of the most classic songs in piano history, and I'm so lost in the music I almost forget I'm on a stage infront of thousands of people, performing for my last time on this talent show. But that's not what I'm worried about, no. I'm worried about what I promised myself I would do if I won, the reason I've been so inspired to want to win.

     I stop playing, and then my surroundings finally catch up to me. Everyone is screaming, and I turn toward the audience noticing almost everyone was standing up. I stood up from my piano stool, taking in the applause I was being granted and turned to Phil, giving him a smile before turning to the judges to hear what they had to say.

     "Wow, that might have just been the best performance I've ever seen, I'm amazed." "I think you could be the winner." "Who ever taught you is lucky." "You are incredible, I am in awe." I was crying from the amount of happiness I was feeling right now, and I bet all the phans at home were as well. I still can't believe I've made it this far, the Phandom has been saying how good I was for awhile, so I decided to try out for America's Got Talent, and have somehow made it to the final episode.

     Once I reply to all the judges, I walk off stage, tears still running down my face, and jump straight into Phil's arms. "I'm so proud of you baby, your so amazing." He says to me, before giving me a peck on the lips. "I love you so much, oh my gosh your so amazing." He said once again, and I could feel a blush rising to my cheeks. "Awe I love you Philly, now we just have to wait for the results." I said, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding and heading over to a couch in the waiting area, sitting down and pulling Phil onto my lap. I put my arms around his waste as he leaned into me.

     "As much as I love this, I miss our bed, and I guess I miss your house plants." I say, thinking about how we're going to be home in the next couple of days for the first time in almost half a year. "I knew you secretly loved them." He smiled, pecking my cheek.


     "OK, it's time for me to go on stage, wish me luck." I said to Phil, letting go of his hands and walking onto the stage as he yelled out a quick. "I love you!" I got up there, scared of what might happen if I win.

     "Coming in 3rd place, is Greg Gorman. Congrats on getting this far, you were very talented. Now, if the final two contestants would come up to the front of the stage for us." I step up. "The winner is!..."

Commercial break

     "Daniel Howell!" Shock, thanks what I feel. My eyes water up and next thing I know im crying, grabbing the microphone from the host. "I- I can't express how thankful and happy I am. I never expected to make it that far and I can only thank my amazing boyfriend Phil, Phil Lester, for always supporting me and being the best boyfriend anyone could ever have."

     "Um, I- I p-promised myself th-that if I won I w-would um, do something s-so Ph-Phil, could you come up here please?" I announced, getting more nervous by the second. He came out, looking concerned. "Hey, are you OK?" He asked, grabbing my hands in concern. "U-um, yeah." And then I was doing it.

     "Um, Phil. Philip Michael Lester, I love you, more than words can express, which is why I'm making this short. Um, when I first met you I was so depressed, I didn't think I would make it to the age of 20," I smiffled, and he frowned, wiping the tears off my face. "but then, you showed me what love is. You showed me that I can be loved and I can make it through those dark times, and here I am now, because of you. Um so," I got one one knee, pulling out the ring I had bought months ago, and opening the box. "will you, give me the honour of being my fiance?" I did it. I asked. I looked up at him to see tears running down his face, and he collapsed into my arms, crying into my shoulder and whispering yes into my ear.

     Pulling him up off of the ground with me, I hugged him back, saying shakily into the microphone "He said yes." before gently walking us backwards into the backstage area. "I love you. I love you I love you I love you." I whispered into his ear, admiring the ring now on his finger. "Let's go back to the hotel." Phil whispered back, backing away for the hug and holding my hand instead.


     "Philly, stop it you!" I say in a childish voice, looking at the livestream chat, seeing them all screening out of cuteness. I leaned my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his waste. "It looks like everyone is wanting to see my ring Dan." Phil said, trying to get me to let go of him, but I wouldn't budge. "No don't leave me." He giggled. "Relax! I'm just getting closer to show them the ring you spoon." He rolled his eyes. "I want cuddlessss. Give me affection." I say, pushing myself even closer to him, if even possible. "Well OK." I gave in, picking his arm up to pet my hair softly. "I'll post a picture on Instagram once Dan decides to stop being so cute and affectionate." Phil said, looking down at me with love eyes. I looked up, pecking his lips quickly. "It's not my fault we just got home from not being able to cuddle for months. And since your now my fiancé I want to hang out with you even more." I was practically in his lap at this point by how lose we are." Phil sighed, "Alright guys, I think I'm gonna end this liveshow now so I can have some quality time with him." Phil said, scooting forward, somehow getting Dan to let go of him to let him turn off the laptop. "Now, back to cuddling, you little cutie." Phil said, before snuggling into Dan's side and kissing him fast.


What was this? INSPIRATION?!?? WOAH! I hope you enjoyed this cute little fluffy chapter :)


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