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T W O  M O N T H S  L A T E R

Months passed since Connor became deviant. I had been working with the others to create the perfect plan of how we were going to free the other Androids. Since CyberLife lost control of Connor's program, they had been lying low. They still continued their research regarding deviants, opening more camps to hold more Androids. But, for the most past, their progress had thankfully been slow.

            Markus and Connor worked together to raid some of the smaller camps, freeing the Androids being held captive there. Most decided to fight alongside us. Others scattered, either hiding someplace in the city or crossing the border into other countries. We had to move location several times due to CyberLife issuing more patrols.

            Hank fed us updates regarding the DPD and their involvement in the situation. According to him, CyberLife had requested that any and all Androids be taken into custody and then handed over to CyberLife. From there, they would be taken to the camps. Captain Fowler had also brought Agent Perkins in to work on the case, alongside Captain Allen and his squadron. After weeks of planning, we finally realised that if we wanted to free all Androids, we couldn't just target the camps. Camp raids would only be to increase numbers. CyberLife was the main issue, and targeting them became our main priority. If we wanted to solve the issue, we had to go straight to the source.

            Elijah stayed with us, offering Markus his help to take down CyberLife. As much as it pained him to destroy something of his own creation, it was for the greater good. We were on the brink of war and, as of right now, our chances of winning were slim. Hopefully with Elijah's help, some of us would come out of this alive.

            I was sitting at the table, peering around at the others gathered. Markus was standing at the head of the table, his palms placed flat against the wooden surface. 'We recently received an anonymous tip. Apparently, CyberLife is holding an assembly this evening, addressing the current deviant situation. This is the perfect opportunity for us to strike.'

            'What if it's a trap?' I suggested, glancing around the table. 'What if this tip is just CyberLife's way of drawing us out?'

            Markus glanced over at me. 'We won't know until the time comes. We'll just have to take extra precautions in case the tip is indeed a fake—a ruse to draw us out.'

            'We can't just sit around, waiting until CyberLife finds us,' North interjected, her voice firm and laced with a fine layer of anger. 'We need to strike first, when they least expect it. This tip could be our only chance to free our people, to take CyberLife down once and for all. We need to do this.'

            'But isn't it a little odd?' I pointed out. 'To receive such a tip right when CyberLife has been increasing patrols and using public executions of Androids to try and draw us out. . . It can't be a coincidence. We have no idea what we're getting ourselves into if we trust this information.'

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