36 struggle

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Daniel took off his suit jacket and threw it on his desk. He then rolled up his white dress sleeves, exposing his forearms. I watched him carefully, trying to anticipate each of his movements. Daniel's dark eyes fell on me and I cringed, gritting my teeth as he moved closer.

'Connor's going to be devastated once he finds out what I did to his girl,' he whispered, his hands now gripping the armrests. I inched away from him, panic starting to rise in my chest. 'When I'm done with you, you'll have no choice but to surrender the code.' Daniel looked at me with hunger in his eyes, like he was the lion, and I was its next meal.

It was absolutely terrifying.

'You worked at the Eden Club, am I correct?'

I nodded stiffly, fear-stricken. I tried to speak but the words were caught in my throat, bubbling on the edge of the surface. Please, not again. I can't go through that again. Please don't be another William.

Daniel grinned maniacally, his hand creeping up along my thigh. 'Good. Then you shouldn't have a problem with this sort of thing.'

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Suddenly, Daniel crashed his lips on mine, kissing me roughly.

I struggled against his hold. Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed with all my might, trying to throw him off. Daniel chuckled against my lips, amused by my efforts. Hot tears threatened to spill, not from sadness but from fear and rage. These lips weren't his to kiss, my body not his to touch.

Daniel moved to kiss my neck, pinning me down. Feeling a surge of energy flow through me, I brought my feet up. I kicked him in the stomach, sending Daniel barrelling into his desk.

This only humoured him. 'Oh? So you like it rough?' Daniel stood up straight, quickly recovering. He pushed his hair back. 'I can play rough.'

I got to my feet, shoving the chair at him before making a start towards the door. I grasped the handle, but it refused to open. 'No. No!' I desperately jiggled the lock before throwing my weight against the door. 'Someone! Someone please!' I screamed, pounding my fists against the wood. 'Help me. Help—!'

Daniel used his arms to cage me in, pressing my back against the door. 'Scream all you want, no one can save you from what I'm about to do to your body. You're all mine.' He pulled at my shirt, tearing it at the seams. I gasped, hurrying to cover myself. The material hung off my body, exposing my bra.

I had never felt so humiliated.

Daniel took my face in his hands, kissing me deeply. I tried to press my lips into a firm line, but he pried them apart, his tongue slithering into my mouth. I struggled to get away, but he only pressed closer, drawing me further back into the door. I screamed against his lips as I felt his hands wander down my body, lingering at my waist before dropping further down. Shrieking in surprise, fear started to trickle in. Daniel's hands slinked under my waistband, his fingers falling downwards towards my centre.

I turned my fear into anger, channelling that rush of emotion to draw my hand up and slap Daniel hard across the face.

He staggered backwards, grasping his cheek. A dark look settled on his face, his teeth bared angrily. 'You little—!'

I punched him in the jaw before driving my knee as hard as I could between his legs. Daniel's body collapsed in on itself, his hands cupping his groin as he fell to his knees with a sickening crack.

Take that, asshole.

At the Eden Club, I had to deal with guys like Daniel. Whenever a customer started to get too aggressive or just started to act downright creepy, I would have to knock some sense into them, quite literally. William gave me permission to do so, but only on the occasion where my safety was being threatened. I never meant to kill William. He was rough in bed, but never as rough as he was the day I killed him.

William was a rather reserved person. He never spoke what was on his mind and never asked for help if he was struggling. One day, he just exploded. Everything that he had been holding in just came rushing out, poisoning everything around him. The anger, the aggression, fear, anguish. Everything. Unfortunately for me, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I couldn't say the same for Daniel.

At least William wasn't like that.

There was a click and the door swung open. I hurried through, slamming it behind me. I ran down the hall, desperately trying to hold my torn shirt in place.

I need to get out of here. I need to get away!

* * *

I hurried into the elevator, accessing the keypad to take me to the front entrance. Only, as soon as I arrived, I noticed the guards waiting. They were dressed in full black body armour, rifles raised and aimed at the elevator entrance. Shit. They knew I was coming. . . of course they did.

I glanced around the elevator, searching for a way out. Only, there wasn't one. My eyes landed on the board labelling each of the floors and an idea popped into my head. If I can't go up, the only option is to go down.

I moved towards the keypad. 'Level sub forty-nine.'

I then took a step back, watching as I approached the main floor. To my relief, the elevator didn't stop and continued moving downwards, the armoured guards disappearing as I slipped below the surface. I sucked in a breath, pressing my back up against the wall. Closing my eyes, I allowed my mind to wander. I was far from safe but at least I had bought myself some time. This way, I could figure out a plan of action.

I had successfully and thoroughly pissed Daniel off, possibly putting a bigger target on my back, if that was even possible. He wasn't going to settle for an apology. I had bruised his ego and for someone like him, that was a big deal. No, Daniel wanted to make me pay.

As I approached the level, I saw three figures gathered there. Two were huddled close together while the other stood alone, their hand grasping an Androids arm. As I got closer, I realised who the figures were.

I felt like I was being suffocated, the air around me slowly disappearing until I was gasping. The second Android in the Connor series was holding Hank at gunpoint. The other person was Connor. My Connor.

 My Connor

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