Chapter One - First Day

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Lucas' pov

Its the first day of school after summer break and I've been thinking of her. Why do I think about her so much. My parents have been saying that I need to get better grades to get into a college that I want to get into but of course I don't even bother. I just pay enough attention to pass the quizzes and tests.

I get on my motorcycle, start the engine loving the sound of it starting and get on my way to school. I say school, it's not hell well simply because I'm not dead.

I arrive at school and wander in late as usual. I find my locker and see that i've got english first up with Mrs Tanna. She's the worst teacher you could have. She doesn't even give me passing grades. It's like we have a love hate relationship together like ugh. She's terrible, I don't even actually know how she got her teaching degree. She must've been friends with the teacher that gave her a teaching degree. Maybe that's why she's so bad...


I wander into the classroom to see One empty chair at the back presuming everyone knows its my chair and then I finally look around the classroom and there she is... Charlotte.

I know, I know. I'm supposed to be this so called 'bad boy' but I don't even see how. Sure my life is shit and I bash people and get drunk at parties and do crazy things... Maybe that's hot i got the label? Oh yeah and even though I have this stupid little crush on this nerd I still sleep around, I mean I'm a guy with needs...

"Mr Oscar, your late. Hurry up and find a seat. Your already late as it is, your disrupting the class." Mrs Tanna said in her monotone trying to sound scary. She can't even sound scary. So why does she try so hard. Geez.

"Sorry Miss."


"Hey Lucas, Missed me?" Oh god I hate her annoying voice. Its so high pitched and cheerleader.

"Oh hey Candy, wish I could've missed you Candice." I say trying to sound as bored as possible so she'd leave me alone.

"Oh umm ok. Talk later Lucas."

"Err yeah" i pause for a second and then continue, "right cya candice."

Charlotte's pov

First day back after summer break, and i'm not liking having the thought of facing all of the people that have made my school life hell. I'm used to it now.

"Charlotte your going to be late for school! Hurry up. "

"Err ugh, i'm not going to be late for school theres half an hour until Hailey arrives." Oh my gosh. My mum doesn't even know how short the trip is to school.


"Bye Mum, I'm going with Hailey today, cya"

"Be safe sweetie" ugh she still thinks she can call me that.?

"Hey Charlotte"

"Hi Hailey. It's so hard to get out of this house with my dad not around to keep my mum occupied and not worrying about me."

"I've been there, done that"

sure sure

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