Don't Touch Him

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     "So, is this the new teammate? The new. . .Avenger?" Tony, Bucky, and Steve glared at the man in white.

"Go to hell you evil-." A guard that was brutal hit Tony in the jaw that match his other side of his face. Steve growled lowly as he began to thrash but was kicked by the other towering guard.

"Let's put them all in cells. I have a few things to set up." The man in white orders before clomping away into a dark place in the room. Guards take each one of them into the holding block of the building.

Tony was beyond pissed. He saw red. Although, he had to keep in check. Someone else needed him right now.

Peter Parker groaned as the guard shoved him into the cell with Tony. Steve and Bucky were thrown in the one across from the duo.

"Is he okay?" Steve Rogers had grown close to the two across from him. The fight in Germany was in the past. This was a new beginning. Bucky Barnes also grew close. He loved each person in the room. These four were a family all in their own.

"I'm alright. A few bruises but I'm good." Tony nodded to Steve.

"Alright, any intel on this guy," asked Bucky.

"All we know is that his name is Rich and he is rich. He's also a mad scientist idiot with a bunch of bodybuilder guards apparently," scoffed Tony.

Steve hummed before leaning against the cell wall. "He likes to pick on our ones closest. He's picking on Peter first. Tony. . . that means he knows a lot about us." Bucky winced, "that's a huge advantage."

All of a sudden the doors were open and guards were pulling them out and back into the room they were all in before.

"Spidey first." They were all on their knees.

"No! Get off of me!" Peter thrashed and managed to pull one arm out and hit the big guy in the face. Super strength showing. Two more guards grabbed the younger man and threw him on the table.

Steve growled and used his own strength to thrash but only ended up on the other table.

"Enough!" It all stoped as Rich turned on every light and intensely glared at everyone. "I've noticed that these two are very valuable to the both of you. Peter Parker, son figure to Tony Stark. Steve Rogers, brother figure to Bucky Barnes." The four Avengers we're surprised. Their secret feelings exposed entirely. All of them scared to admit their bonds.

"Now, lets begin." Cuffs that were specially made for super strength was strapped down onto the two superpowered men.

"I like this one when he squirms. This one first." Spoke one of the guards with a gold tooth. The guards were now only holding Tony and Bucky.

"Agreed." Rich stepped to Peter and picked up a taser. "I love this one. It's used for Science, a lot."

Tony was in panic, "no! You can't!" He was scared for his kid.

"Mr. Stark, I- I'm scared."

"I know kid, just be strong for me." Peter struggled against the restraints but to no avail.

"Let's begin," the taser met Peters mid section and brought out a scream from the young Avenger.

"NO! Stop, don't touch him!" Peter was screaming inhuman like now. Bucky began to thrash.

"I'm going to rip you limb from limb," growled Bucky as he fought with all he had.

Steve was pulling at the restraints as if he had fire in his veins. He knew Peter did. "Torture me, not him you bastards!"

Rich left off and Peter took in a shuddering breath. The room was only filled with Peter gasping for air.

"I will kill you." Tony demanded as he glared at the man, determination written everywhere on him. Anyone would run if he weren't held down.

"M-Mr. Stark, I-I can't feel my body." Tony roared with fury at the sound of the kids hoarse voice.

"Let's go another round." Rich cackled with wickedness. "Any words Spiderling?"

Peter sat up a bit and looked at the man, "fuck you." The man was taken aback but was soon glaring.

"How about we switch to a switchblade." The man immediately took one out and stabbed it into Peters shoulder. Peter cried out. Tony freaked.

"Alright, Steve's turn." Rich grabbed a scalpel and dragged it along Steve's arm. Steve only grunted and breathed a little heavier.

"Is that all you've got?" He was hoping to get that attention drawn away from Peter, that's exactly what he did.

Rich growled in frustration and got the taser and began to shove it onto Steve's stomach. Steve began to scream. Bucky and Tony thrashed.

"Stop! Just stop! What do you want?!" This seemed to make the man interested.

"Finally, someone asks. I want Stark Industries and Super Soldier Serum. So hard to ask?" Peter groaned as he began to blink away the tiredness. Blood was oozing out of him. Steve was losing blood quickly.

"Are you plain out stupid? I thought you were a scientist." Tony shot. Rich ripped the knife out of Peters shoulder and listened at Peters yelp in satisfaction.

"Don't test me, Stark."

Peter suddenly jumped into the man. Steve also jumped up and knocked out a guard.

"How did yo-?"

"Knife went all the way through Pete's shoulder. It caught the cuffs' cord to overpower strength." Bucky was heard hollering and ripping a guard apart with his metal arm.

Bucky came back with blood dripping from his form. Rich was tied up and leaning against a wall.

"You've locked us up, made us bleed, scream, and cry. You've tortured and screwed with us. No more asshole." Stark pulled away. "Bucky." He demanded. Bucky glared and nodded.

"Of course." Bucky showed no mercy. The three went to the first aid kit found in a cabinet and pulled out gauze. Tony wrapped Steve's forearm and patted his shoulder before moving onto Peter. Screams of pain were heard from Rich as Bucky unleashed all anger onto the man.

"Pete, let me see your shoulder." Pete pulled his shirt a bit and Tony put a huge bandage on it and helped Peter walk.

"Alright, lets get out of here." Bucky came around and helped Steve walk away.

"Mr.Stark," Peter started.


"I love you."

". . . I-I love you too, Peter."

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