Gone But Not Forgotten

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     Peter couldn't help but feel numb. He looked at the locker. Pictures of his best friend was all over it. 'Goodbyes' and 'We miss you' plastered to it. He frowned and felt the red come back to his eyes. A lump forming. Flash came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Peter turned quickly and wiped his eyes. His back to the locker. "Oh uh, sorry if I was in your way. I'll get moving," Peter mumbled. He put his backpack on his shoulders more before trying to walk off. Flash caught him again.

"Hey man. I'm sorry about your loss...he was a great guy," Flash rubbed the back of his neck. A frown on his face. And what seemed to be tear tracks. Peter lightly smiled.

"It's alright. I-I guess it was just his time," Peter sighed. He looked back up to Flash, "if you need anything I'm here."

Flash nodded before saying, "same." Peter nodded and walked away.

Peter looked for MJ in class. She wasn't there today. Hadn't been for the past three days since it happened. Peter put his chin on his folded arms as he just stared at the board and the teacher writing on it while he talked. Peter was wearing a hoodie and jeans. Not his normal sweater and flannel.

The door opened to the classroom and MJ walked in. Hair down and not tied back or combed. She was wearing an oversized hoodie and it was up. She had leggings on too.

"Ms. Watson, you're late," The teacher lightly scolded. He knew what was going on with her and Peter himself.

"I know," She shrugged and went and took the empty seat next to Peter. Peter looked at her and she looked at him. They both gave grim smiles. MJ reached for his hand. He grabbed it slowly. She squeezed it. Tear stains going down her face and dripping to her hoodie. Peter squeezed back.

Peter walked to lunch numbly and looked around for MJ. She wasn't there. Must be in the library. Peter sat down by himself and looked at his tray. He looked to where Ned should've been and a pang went through his chest. He put his hands on his head. Someone sat next to him and he looked to see the principal.

"Hello Mr. Parker, we have someone here to take you home. Don't worry about school right now. It won't hurt your grades. Just take some time. I lost my best friend too. I know how bad you're hurting right now. Just...take some time."

Peter has let tears fall into his mashed potatoes. Ned loved his mashed potatoes. Peter just nodded and followed the principal. They walked into the office and his adoptive guardian was their. Tony Stark.

"Tony. I'm sorry. I tried going. I-I can't-everything reminds me of him," Peter cried. Tony just grabbed the boy and held him to his chest.

"You're okay. We're okay. It's gonna be alright, Pete. Let's go home and rest." Tony encouraged. He mouthed a thank you to the principal as he grabbed Peters bag from the floor and threw it on his shoulder. He walked the teen out. Tony made it to the car and he put Peter in the passenger seat and but his backpack in the back. He hopped in the drivers seat and took off to the tower.

Peter watched as Tony sat the bag down on the counter. Tony walked over to Peter and hugged him again. "I'm so sorry kid. I couldn't imagine what's going on right now," Tony held the boy and combed back his crazy curls.

"I just can't do this without him. He was there. He was here." Peter sobbed. "It was a drunk driver Tony. He just hit him. He was gonna come and-and finish our new Star Wars l-LEGO set."

Tony held the boy more tightly. "Pete, let's get you to bed. I'll make your favorite for dinner. I'm gonna be right here the whole way. I'm here." Peter nodded and walked to his room and took his bag. He sat down on his bed.

Peter looked at his hands and sighed. Things wouldn't ever be the same. Peter started to cry again. Why did it have to be Ned? He had never done anything wrong. Something caught Peters eye. It was the LEGO set he and Ned were gonna finish. It was so close to being done. Peter walked over to it in the floor and looked it over. Peter smiled and started to put it together. For Ned. For them.

Peter finished an hour later and smiled. He put it up in his closet with some of the others they had finished. Peter knew this wasn't the end. Ned was happy somewhere up there. He knew that. He was there. He knew that too. He was gone. Not forgotten.

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