You Would Do The Same

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"Tony! Somebody get to Tony!" Steve shouted as he tried to keep a dog-like creature from biting his head off. Bucky came to his aid and rammed the side of the animal before being thrown through the grass. Good thing this happened in a giant forest.

"I'm on it!" Shouted Peter as he swung into Tony's area. Natasha was with Clint. They looked pretty busy. Tony was trying his best to get three of the creatures off of him. They were biting his suit armor and one got through. Tony screamed out and shot a repulser at the animal. Peter grunted when he slammed into one and killed it easily. The two others backed away but surrounded the two. Peter landed in front of Tony.

"Kid . . . I don't know-."

"I've got it, Mr. Stark." Peter guarded his mentor. The beasts were growling consistently before they pounced. Peter took them both on. Peter cried out when one of them tore off a piece of his face mask and got his cheek a bit.

"PETE!" Tony called as he tried standing but failed miserably and winced when he landed on his stomach. Peter grunted when he was thrown next to Tony. Peter shook it off and guarded Tony.

"Mr. Stark, can you get yourself out of here?"

"No, I'm not leaving. Not even if I could."

Peter sighed before selecting taser webs and shot them at the creatures. They shook and whimpered. Peter watched as they both fell over.

"Pete, you okay?" Tony asked as he crawled to his side. Peter fell backward and let out big gushes of air.

"Aw man, I'm in a world full of hurt Mr. Stark," Peter groaned. Peters thigh was gushing blood. Peters cheek was already healing.

"Hey! You two alright?!" Steve got to his knees beside the two. Tony winced up at him as he held onto Peters arm.

"Cap, you've gotta get him cleaned up. He's losing blood fast," Tony was being helped up by Rhodey. "We can say the same for you, Tony," Rhodey grunted.

"Peter, stay awake," Cap coaxed. Clint came running from thick brush and went pale when he saw the scene before him.

"K-Kid?!" Clint tripped over a root and face planted. Tony busted out laughing before choking on a gasp. Peter chuckled as he held his chest. Cap shook his head at the man-like child.

Natasha stepped over him before looking over her 'nephew'. "Let's load up and go back to the tower. Medical assistance is already ready there." Clint groaned as he pulled himself up and spit out grass. "And mental help."

"Hey!" Clint scowled. Clint then looked back at Peter, "is he okay?" Then he looked at Tony, "boss man? You good?"

"They'll both be just fine, Clint. Come on," Nat called as they all made there way to the air carrier. Steve was carrying Peter bridal style and Rhodey was helping a limping/hopping Tony.

The team made it to the tower. The rest of the mostly unharmed Avengers waited as the medical team assisted the more severely damaged Avengers. Peter came out first with a smile and two bandaids on his cheek. He had a slight limp but was okay.

"Here Pete, come take a seat and watch Saturday cartoons with Clint," Nat patted the couch cushion next to the nincompoop.

"Hey there shithead," Clint called and wrapped an arm around the boy.


"Hey Clint," Peter yawned and leaned into the older male.

Tony came out on crutches ten minutes later. The man also had gauze wrapped around his head.

"Damn Tony, look like you came straight from war," Rhodey crossed his arms before helping the dark headed man take a seat. Peter smiled at his mentor.

"You doing okay Tony?"

"Thanks to you, yes. And, did you just call me Tony?"

"Yes, yes I did," Pete smiled before leaning into Clint more and starting to snore. Tony laughed then looked to Steve.

"Thank you guys, for everything today. I really appreciate it," Tony leaned his crutches on the side of the couch.

Nat smiled, "of course, Tony. Although, Peter's the one that did all the saving." Steve nodded at that.

"Yeah, he sure did. Maybe him coming on more missions wouldn't be so bad. Maybe even . . . joining the team," Steve pushed, hopefully.

"Maybe you're right. I'll think on it and ask him," Tony sighed as he laid his head back and closed his eyes. "Either that or he'll give me a damn heart attack before I can say anything," joked Tony.

"Language," Bucky mocked before earning a punch in the shoulder from Steve and a giggle from Natasha.

"Never gonna live that down, Cap."

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