First Fight

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"He's late. I'm going to look for him." Tony demanded as he got up in a haste.

"Tony, you are not. He will be back soon I'm sure. He's probably just swinging back now." Steve stood up to stop Tony by setting his hand firmly on the darker headed mans shoulder before bing shrugged off. "Tony," Steve began.

"Not now, Rogers. My kid is out there and he is late. He's not usually just late out of the blue." Tony bit back as he whipped around, finger pointing to the mans face in a form of 'back off'.

"FRIDAY just said that Pete was on his way back." Clint observed as he crossed his arms.

"Shut it, bird brain. I'm going after him. I swear to god if he has one scratch on him-."

"Sorry I'm late!" Peter shouted as he fell through the window. He jumped up and threw his mask off to catch his breath better.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Tony shouted. Steve and Clint frowned and furrowed their brows at the sudden outburst from Tony. He never talked to Peter like that.

"Mr. Stark, I'm sorry it won't happen again. I-I got caught up in a mugging happening when I was on my way home and I had to stop it. The lady was trying to get away to her kids and-." Tony held up his hand. Peter, the well mannered boy, stopped talking immediately.

"I'm taking the damn suit and no more going out on patrol for a week," Tony huffed.

"But, Mr. Stark, I-."

"I don't wanna hear it, Kid."

Clint intervened, "Tony, the kid was just helping someone out. Take it easy on him, he's not use to living here. It's only been two months." Clint didn't wanna see Peters hurt eyes anymore. Not after Aunt May. He's grown so close to the kid.

"I said I wanted zip from you, Clint." Tony snipped. He never said Clint's real name.

"Tony, you have got to calm down," Steve demanded.

"Rogers, I don't have time for you either. I'm punishing the kid here." Tony turned back to Peter who was now messing with his mask.

"Tony, I didn't mean to be late. I- It won't happen again. I'm sorry." Peters mouth twisted into a frown.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it. It didn't last time and it won't this time. Give me the suit. I know you've got clothes in your room." Tony wasn't budging.

"Tony, I can't just not be Spiderman!"

"Yes you can! Not everything is about Spiderman and being a super hero. YOU ARE FIFTEEN!" Tony was now yelling. He was yelling at Peter. What had gotten into him lately?

"I'm not giving you the suit. Over my dead body."

"If I don't take it away now, it might have to be off of your dead body. Now give it." Anger was all Tony had in him.

Clint and Steve were awestruck. Never had Tony acted like this. Not since Civil War. He wasn't this harsh or cold. Steve had to do something.

"Tony, either you stop now or I'm going to knock you out. You don't seem the best right now and I can't let you take it out on Peter. He's done nothing wrong. Never. Sure maybe he's snuck out or something but he's a teenager. Don't tell me you didn't sneak out. Also, he's still mourning and getting over living here with us. He's trying Tony." Steve was doing his best to calm the shorter man down.

"Steve, if I have to tell you to shut up one more damn time, it will not be pretty. Back off." Tony was now stone cold. Not a bit of regret was showing.

Steve looked at Clint. Clint nodded and ran off.

"Peter, the suit."

"Mr. Stark, please."

"Stark, you're drunk." Clint came in with a bottle of whiskey. Some of it was gone. Enough to make Tony drunk.

"Tony, lay down." Steve encouraged.

"Oh god, Pete I'm sorry." Tony began to cry as he was lead to the couch. He held his head in his hands.

"Tony, why'd you drink?" Clint asked.

"It got to be so much. I'm suppose to be so good for Peter. I adopted him and am now his legal father and haven't even told him!" Tony sobbed. Peter stood, awestruck.

"Y-You did?" Tony snapped his head up.

"I'm so sorry."

"No, Mr. Stark don't be. I love you all the same. Thanks for adopting me. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you." Peter hugged the drunk. Tony cried and held the boy.

"So, he's an angry and sad drunk."

"Usually he's like crazy and hilarious. Something triggered this one." Steve whispered.

"Goodnight you two." Clint said. Steve and Clint left.

"Take me to my bed, would ya?" Tony asked. Peter laughed but nodded. He helped the older up and helped him walk.

"Can I call you Dad now?"

Tony laughed but nodded.

"Of course. Besides, you'll have to help me to bed when I'm super old. I'll need ya." Peter smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. You've still got awhile."

Peter hoped that anyway . . .

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