Morning Breakfast

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     "Mr. Stark?" Tony looked at the kid after pouring his second cup of coffee.


"What's that taste like?" Tony smiled fondly and let the wrinkles grip his face.

"Well, it tastes like an adult drink that you cannot have." Peter frowned and came to sit on the barstool. Tony smirked and leaned against the counter behind him.

"Common, Mr. Stark! I only want a sip!" Tony sighed and grabbed a straw. The playboy put it into his cup and handed it to the teenager. "Yes!" Peter smiled and took a sip. The boy smiled widely. "That's good!"

"Yeah, not good for you."

"Everyone knows that the best food is always forbidden." Tony rolls his eyes.

"Okay, Cardi B." Peter laughed. He hadn't known Tony would get the reference.

"I'm catching on to those pop references. I'm not that old." Peter smirked as Tony cockily took another sip of his coffee.

"Right, tell that to the mirror you look at everyday." Tony rose his eyebrows.

"Dang, Kid. You've got some bark on you." The two filled the living room with laughter. So much laughter that Captain America awoke and came into the room from the level below them.

"Good morning. I meant the good." Steve smiled which made Peter giggle a bit. "What's with all the laughter?"

"Aw, we were messing around with each other." Tony inquired as he set his mug down and flipped the news on with the remote Peter had brought up to the bar.

"Yeah, or it's all that caffeine you don't need." Steve implied. Tony snorted and downed the rest of it.

"I still don't think it's enough. This kid wears me out, Cap." Steve smiled and began to blend his morning fruit smoothie.

"Okay, now you are just making me feel like I'm a bum and are very unkept." Tony groaned as Steve smiled with his bright white teeth.

"The only thing he could do now is give you a lecture on how to be a respectful citizen." Peter tossed in as he looked to the elevator hearing it ding.

"Done and over with," snorted Tony.

"Good morning, boys." Natasha said as she tightened her robe with slick pajamas underneath.

"What are you having this morning?" Tony asked. He couldn't be the only one having a high caffeine drink. Nat usually did exercise in the morning just like Cap.

"A cold iced water. I'm about to go to the gym and run on the treadmill. It's the best way to prepare your day, I promise." Nat shrugged as she went to Peter and sat beside him.

"Oh come on. I know someone who drinks coffee in the morning though. Bruce, my man!" Tony argued and everyone laughed. It was only true though.

"Pete, what do you do?"

"I have to eat an actual breakfast usually. High metabolism. It's the most important meal of the day." Peter smiled.

"Cap, make me one while you are at it." Tony mumbled and set his coffee down. The Avengers laughed and began to enjoy breakfast as the rest of the tower woke up.

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