Part •1• | Y/n Y/ln

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Part 1.. fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

It's a truth, universally acknowledged that if your friend is the most popular girl in school, then you are gonna feel 50% hurt 100% of the times 'unintentionally' by her so-called 'lovers'

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It's a truth, universally acknowledged that if your friend is the most popular girl in school, then you are gonna feel 50% hurt 100% of the times 'unintentionally' by her so-called 'lovers'.

I am awake, but not in the mood of getting out of the bed at all. I mean it isn't a new thing. 

And anyway, why will I get up before the alarm going off? My school isn't running away...

"Y/n wake up!"

But guess my not-so-lovely foster mom is...

"I am already up mom!" I yelled back groaning, pretending to sound awake since long, my alarm clock going off just seconds later.

Just give me some extra seconds of sleep?! Is it too much to ask?!

This woman literally wants me dead.

I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower washing my hairs. I turned off the shower and stretched my arm to pull the towel hanging on the rod, accidentally making my t-shirt fall down on the wet floor. 

"Ugh!" I growled with gritted teeth as it happened like the sixth time this month. My old friend Liz, is coming back to Queens from Oregon today. She is senior to me by one year, so I won't be able to meet her before lunch, and it actually doesn't bother me at all. Also, it's my hmm.. leave it. 

I wrapped the other towel around my head and the first one on my body walking out of the bathroom throwing my wet t-shirt into the laundry basket. Heading to my room's cabinet, I quickly grab a pair of tee and jeans from my small but, decent wardrobe. It's amazing I can get all the used clothes of Avery (my foster sister), which although seem new to me. She doesn't repeat her clothes much. Good for me. Not complaining. I wore them and pulled a black jacket over it.

I removed my head towel wiping my hairs a little. They were so wet, no chance they're gonna dry till I reach school. I glanced at my hands, maybe this works. I got my palms on my head and slow air started coming from them. 

"It's working," I mumbled, delighted.

"Breakfast is ready." My mom yells from downstairs.

"Yeah coming.. " I yelled back, her sudden yelling disturbed the flow of air currents from my hands, ruffling my hairs. So, I just brushed them off. No one knows about this 'weird', 'of no use' wind power I possess, also sometimes it works on water too but its impact is so weak that it could hardly create a swirling effect on the water surface.

No-one even knows who really am I.

I slid my school bag on my shoulder, then grabbed a hair tie and a lip gloss and slid them in my jacket's pocket rushing down, making my way to the breakfast table. Toast and butter like always, kind of really fed of eating it every day, but when you are hungry you can't deny eating. I grabbed the toasted bread, applied butter to it and got it inside my mouth.

"MOM! I am ready... Get my breakfast," Avery came to the breakfast table sitting across me. 

"Special pancakes for my sweetie." My foster mom but, her real mom said cheerfully handing her a plate full of pancakes dipped in maple syrup. And she hungrily started eating them.

"Completed the work?" She whispered to me. 

"Yeah," I responded in a frustrated voice, handling her homework 'done by me' from my school bag.  She grabbed it, instantly giving it a quick glance.

"I hope you did it properly because, if the teacher disliked it, you know your punishment." She said softly but, in a threatening way. I nodded. Twenty-one years old she is and God knows how many classes she has repeated in the school to finally study in a grade below mine, and I am 'just' 17.

Both of us finished our 'specific' and 'discriminating' breakfast, leading our way to the front door. I am glad we study in different grades and school.

"Bye mom" she yells.

"Yeah, bye!" I rebuked. 

Emilia came to greet us. I am not calling her mom when I don't have to.

"Have a great day both of you and Avery have this, take a cab," She says handling her some dollar bills, not me even though my school was farther.

"And, Y/n wash the dishes when you get back home," she said. I nodded and made my way to the subway bus with the money earned from my part-time.

Oh God! I miss 'My Home' so much!

As I got into the public bus, I tied my hairs into a ponytail using my hair tie and applied my lip gloss to prevent my lips from chapping. I looked around the bus to see people busy on their phones or books and I too grabbed my phone reading one of my favourite fan-fiction. We soon reached the school and I made my way down.

"Good morning, Y/n, " I hear the familiar voice, I hear almost daily, I mean since the day Liz decided to rejoin Midtown High, making its way towards me.

"Yeah, great morning Peter," I greeted back, the smart nerd boy of our school Peter Parker nonchalantly because I am well aware of his next question.

"Ah... S-so well, L-Liz is coming to school today?" He asks me stuttering a little bit as he's mentioning his 'crush'.

"Yeah, she is coming" I shook my head in frustration, making my way past him inside the school.

Does no one realise I am my own person?! Just ask me about Liz all the time. But no one actually cares right?!

Selfish world!
High school crushes!
Life sucks!

Selfish world! High school crushes! Life sucks!

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Written by: fanficparker


Word count: 900 words
Date: 14 Dec'18

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