Part •11• | Peter Parker

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Part 11..fanficparker PETER PARKER

"Hey where are you going?" I asked Y/n as she starts walking in the other direction than her home after we came out of Doctor Strange's portal

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"Hey where are you going?" I asked Y/n as she starts walking in the other direction than her home after we came out of Doctor Strange's portal.

"Ssshh," she hushed as I followed her. And she walked to the little empty lane behind the park where some homeless people were living in small tents. 

"What's here?" I whispered raising my eyebrows behind my mask. She softly smiled taking out a box from her little backpack she was carrying all this time.

"Wait, is it the candy box you won in the fantasy quiz in school? But what you doing with it here?" I blasted her with questions, once again.

"Come with me!" She walked behind the tents where some people were warming their hands in born fire. Sensing our presence the four little children in the group cheerfully ran to us and smiled at Y/n. That's when I understood Y/n was handling the candies to the children.

"You do this often?" I asked walking her back home.


"Giving those homeless children stuff?"

"Ah... No actually. I don't have anything to give often. Like if sometimes I get these things and I can't  eat them all by myself then I give it to them. I recently saw those children there , maybe just 2 months ago. They are really friendly... Especially when you don't have many friends ." She concluded as we reached her foster home.

"Thanks Spidey..." She said giving me a wave and went inside the house as I swung back to mine.

I laid on my bed sleepless thinking about her


Time is the most fickle minded thing in the universe,
It changes every now and then,
making you feel vulnerable each and every time...

And it totally applies to my life.
The girl I never thought about ever, till now, is the reason why I couldn't sleep all night. She wasn't even part of my life before sometime and now I can't imagine my life without her. I want to know her more, spend time with her, but...

What if the person who's coming for the ring, actually reaches us?
What if we lose?
Maybe we die in the process,
but death doesn't feel sad when you think about the opposite scenario.
What if we won?
What if she goes back to her home, leaving me behind?
Can I live without her after what she has done to me, what she made me feel?
Her thoughts, her pure thoughts made me fall for her and now I can't escape these feelings, especially after trying to imagine my life without her... And I saw only darkness.

"Peter, Peter, Peter", faint voices could be heard, I felt my body shaking. Suddenly I could see a bright light filling the darkness, making my eyes squint as I slowly lifted my eyelids to see a faint figure standing in front of me. I blinked multiple times until I could see clearly.

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