Part •7• | Y/n Y/ln

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Part 7.. fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

"Did you know we have chemistry?"

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"Did you know we have chemistry?"

"Huh?! What?" I asked him, out of the confusion rising in me.
"We have chemistry class now", he clarified, tilting his head towards me.
"Oh well", that was the only thing I could say before I burst out laughing.
Now it was his turn to be confused.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Oh, You little naive Peter Parker, don't you know 'having chemistry' has other meanings too?!" I said trying to suppress my laughter.
"Like what?" he again asked.
"Like the chemistry, two people have between each other, like a couple!" I said increasing his knowledge.
"Wh-what? Oh, I didn't mean that!" He exclaimed as we were climbing the stairs to reach the chemistry class, grabbing our books from our lockers midway.

"I thought you were flirting with me when you said that 'chemistry' thing!" I confessed laughing.
"No no, I didn't... I can't flirt... I mean I can... but, I didn't." He spoke up, trying not to embarrass himself, making me laugh even more.

"Of course, I know now!" I said, taking a deep breath to make myself stop laughing as we entered the chemistry lab.

"I didn't know you were so interesting and funny! " Peter suddenly said to me in the middle of the chemistry class.

"Seriously, are you now really flirting with me?" I tried to mess with him a little, just for fun.
"It's an honest opinion, Y/n!" He said, concentrating on the teacher's lecture again and so did I.

Finally, it was lunch period. I am so happy, that I don't have to sit with Liz and her group of teenage grandmoms again!

"I'm so glad to know that you love Star Wars," he said as we were munching our food. His best friend Ned was out of town, to meet some relatives for a week, so Peter & I were sitting together all day.
"Of course I love it, I watched the Solo Star Wars movie just yesterday!!!"
I said, fangirling.
"I have a bunch of Lego Star Wars sets at home, maybe we could play with them after school?" He said. I'm really happy he isn't stuttering and getting nervous with me.
"I never actually got an invitation from a guy to visit his place," I said, feeling a little shy.
"And I haven't ever invited a girl to my place", he said in a soft tone, making me look from my food up to him.

As I looked at him our eyes met,
for like two seconds and then he instantly looked down.

"So,... you are coming?" He said looking down, smiling.
"Only if you tell me your address", I replied, making him look at me chuckling.
"Give me your phone number, I'll send it to you." And so I handed him my phone.

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