Part •14• | Y/n Y/ln

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PART 14..fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

I noticed our position as I felt a knot forming in my stomach as his eyes were darting from my eyes to my lips

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I noticed our position as I felt a knot forming in my stomach as his eyes were darting from my eyes to my lips. He was so close, I felt his breath hit my lips.

That kiss with Peter replayed in my mind over and over again... I felt extremely restless, as I repeatedly tossed and turned around in my bed, squinting my eyes in the hope to sleep, but failed miserably.

The way his lips felt so soft on mine. The way his hands rested on my waist, pulling me closer. The taste of his lips. His soft curls falling on his face.
I can't stop thinking about him...

I was soaked in sweat.
I blinked open my eyes, instantly got out of my covers, grabbing a bottle of water, gulping it, pacifying my throat that felt dry like it was choked of ash. I checked the time on my phone, It was just 9 pm.

My plan of trying to sleep and ignore everything that happened today didn't go that well.

After all,... I just realized,... that I have feelings for him. Seriouly why didn't I noticed till yet. Maybe... Maybe because I already had him by my side and didn't feel the urgency to make a move cause I never fucking thought of romance in my life..! Stuck in this alien planet was already too much distraction and now Peter Benjamin Parker!

How can't anyone not fall
for a pure soul like him?

Apart from the time, I saw one more thing on my phone screen - notifications.

[You have 6 missed calls and 31 unread messages from 'Peter the dumbo' - Click for details.]

I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat and clicked to see the messages.


Peter the dumbo(06:15 pm)
~Y/n r u fine?
~You left all of a sudden, making me worried.
~Plz answer my texts.
~R u there?

Peter the dumbo(07:03 pm)
~I'm really sorry for what happened today.
~If you don't want anything between us, I will totally forget everything.
~Please I'm sorry.
~Don't ignore me y/n, plz.
~I'm an idiot y/n, but plz answer.
~I never thought it would make u that uncomfortable.
~I'm sorry.
~Plz answer......!!!!!

Peter the dumbo(08:09 pm)
~Plz contact me. Plz...!
~I came to your house, but your windows were locked and covered with blinds.
~I'm sorry for stalking you.
~But I'm seriously worried.
~Plz Y/n, I'm sorry.
~Seeing you so close to me drove me crazy.
~I know it's not right to say all this on text, but idk if I really have guts to say anything directly.
~But Y/n,
~I was madly in love with you.
~I was falling for you each and every day.
~I couldn't stop thinking about you. 

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