Part •10• | Y/n Y/ln

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Part 10..fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

I was having a really-important-hell-serious-dangerous discussion with this wizard when I hear a piece of weird music

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I was having a really-important-hell-serious-dangerous discussion with this wizard when I hear a piece of weird music...

Yodoleri Yodoleri Yodolerii 🎶

In the next moment, Doctor Strange's magical cloak flew in the direction of the music and captured an intruder, that was secretly listening to us.
The magical cloak dropped him near Strange's feet.
"Spider-Man?!!!" That's what all the three of us squealed together.
And then, the red-masked intruder got up, dusting himself.

"Could you do me a favour and kindly tell why in the nine realms you were spying at us?" Nick Fury spoke up.
"Ah... Well... Actually... I-it's just, I was patrolling and saw you all and so... you know....", Spidey started explaining.
"No we don't, please explain", Doctor Strange said, folding his arms in front of his chest.
"Well... Just trying to keep things far from any danger, so I followed you guys here", he said.
"Yeah, from danger, I remember, this girl isn't supposed to live here... Pack up your bags and leave our planet", Strange addressed me all of a sudden.
"What?!" I almost yelled.
"We can't risk the whole Earth, you gotta leave." He said diplomatically again.
"But...", I tried to defend myself, but my words were cut-off by Spider-man.
"I really think your decision is quite biased", he said to Fury and Strange.
"What? You are taking her side instead of ours?!" Strange said shockingly.
To be honest, I'm hell shocked too. He's supporting me instead of his fellow superheroes.
"You all already know that I heard everything, so I think it would even be very cruel to let her planet's people die... We are the Aven--- I mean superheroes, but in anyway we never trade lives!" Spider-man said in a deep powerful tone.
"I understand that, but those people aren't our people and my first and foremost priority is to protect the people of Earth. I can't risk their lives." Doctor Strange spoke, sounding totally emotionless.
"Maybe we could defeat the person that's coming for the ring?" Spider-man tried his best to convince them, but for vain.
"Look, kid, whatever you say, I am not going to take another planet's creature's side than my own," Strange said, pointing his finger to Spidey's chest.
"Fine, we will protect them ourselves then," Spidey said, backing off putting his arm in front of me like a barrier.
"I don't think she can even help herself, she lacks any powers" Fury finally opened his mouth.
"I-I have one", I finally announced.
"What what kind of power?" Strange questioned me.
I pulled back my hand from Spidey's.
"After being exposed to this ring for more than 4 years, I developed some sort of elementary controlling powers, not very strong, but I still manage to control air and water," I said, lifting a plate, controlling the air around.

But,... I dropped it.
Luckily, it was made of metal.

"You think this little power of yours in enough?" Strange chuckles.
"Maybe I just need little practice", I tried to defend myself.
"Maybe I could help her", Spidey stood up for me again, for like the zillionth time today..!
"You, a 16-year-old kid?" Fury said, raising his eyebrows.
"Seventeen and yeah, I will try my best to train her powers. I'm pretty sure Doctor Strange didn't get all this magical without practice", Spidey kept his words aloud.

Strange shook his head in frustration.
"Go ahead, but don't come asking for my help...! Just ensure, you don't regret anything", he said.
"Yeah, I won't" The masked hero, who's unexpectedly standing up for me, said softly yet confidently.
"Just leave, now, both of you!" Strange said, looking back and making a portal for us to leave.

"We will start our training tomorrow. What do you say?" Spidey said, holding out his hand for me to take and I grabbed it, nodding my head in a yes as we went back to Queens through the portal.

Is Peter right?
Does Spider-Man really like me? Or this Spider-man is actually...hmm...

Written by: fanficparkerEdited by the verytalented royal majesty: tshhotsho

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Written by: fanficparker
Edited by the very
talented royal majesty: tshhotsho



Word count: 720 words
Date: 25 Dec'18/ Merry Christmas 🎄

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