Part •8• | Peter Parker

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Part 8..fanficparker PETER PARKER

After some waiting, Y/n finally showed up

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After some waiting, Y/n finally showed up.

Her smile has a weird effect on me like it's following
Newton's 3rd law of motion...
When she smiles,
I couldn't help but smile back...

While we were climbing up the stairs she asked me "So,... you live with your parents?"
"Ahm... actually they died in a plane crash when I was six," I said emotionless.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said immediately and I saw her eyes glittering.

"It's okay, I live with my aunt, she loves me more than even a mother would," I said with a smile, as I glared at her beautiful eyes. She smiled listening to this and as I said, I couldn't help but smile back.
We finally reached my apartment and I let her enter inside and gave her a seat on the couch.
"May, we have a guest!" I yelled.
And Soon May came in. Y/n stood up seeing her.
"May, this is Y/n", I introduced her.
"Nice to meet you", Y/n said smiling.
And May gave her a small hug.
"So Peter finally got a girlfriend", she said.
"Oh no no no...", I came in front of her.
"We-We are just friends!" I said. Oh gosh, these elderly people really embarrass you sometimes, but I felt a tingling sensation in my belly. Were those butterflies?
"Yeah, Peter and I, we are friends"! Y/n said.
"Okay, got it, young fellas, grab some snacks, and relax", she said, giving a smile and walked inside her room.
"So, what do you want to eat?" I asked.
"Oh come on, just grab anything you like and show me your legos," she said.
"Ah, okay, I see", I said, picking up some chips packs and making our way to my room.
"Your room, it's full of so many machines!" She said as she brushed her fingers over my gadgets.
"Just a hobby," I said, shrugging as I took out some lego sets. She instantly got extremely excited seeing it and grabbed the box. Her hand brushed mine and I dropped the box. Her touch ran sparks through me.

What the hell is happening to me???

"Are you okay?", she asked as she picked up the box.
"Yea-Yeah, everything's fine," I said, taking a deep breath.
"Oh yeah, I had to ask you something!" she exclaimed all of a sudden.
"Yeah what?" I asked, and she took a seat on my bed, and I took a seat beside her.
"I told you, that I met Spider-man yesterday and there's a weird... thing I noticed", she said in a serious tone, making me a little afraid.
"W-what is it?" I stuttered after a long time.
"He knew my name, although I never told him that, plus he even knows that I study with you", she said.
"Wh-what that?" I could feel a drop of sweat dripping down my forehead.
"Yeah!" I exclaimed, making her a little shook as I got an idea.
"Remember when I asked you if you were attending Liz's party? Spider-man was actually swinging above our heads at that time", I said, acting serious and she was listening carefully to my made up the story.
I continued, "After you were gone, he came to me and asked, 'Who's that beautiful girl you were talking to?' and I told him about you, simple!"

"What, really?" She slapped her head.
"And I thought he studied in our school!" She said, chuckling.

Awww... She looked so cute doing that...

"But wait, what? Did he call me beautiful? Are you sure he said that?" She said, getting up.
"Yeah, I am sure he said that maybe he likes you," I said, looking at her, more starring, as my voice got softer at the end.
"We just met yesterday Peter and I don't even know who he is? Also, LET'S PLAY WITH LEGOOOOOOSSS!!!" She said, kind of yelled, smiling, as she opened the lego box.

Did I just really flirt with her?

"Peter, Peter..." She yelled, getting me off my thoughts.
"Huh? Yeah?..." I said, shaking my head.
"Were you lost?" She asked, chuckling.
"Nothing, it's nothing!" I fake shrugged and we started, building Legos.

Time flew by. She came here at 4 pm & it's already 8 pm... Woww!!
I didn't even realize it. I feel so good, talking and playing with her.

I really never felt this type of connection with anyone.

"Oh my god Peter, you didn't remind me of the time!" She said, gathering the legos and the bags of chips. I was just starring her, keeping my head on my hand.
"At least help me clean these things, what the hell are you lost it?" She said again, just then I jerked up and tried to help her.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Finally, we packed the leftover legos and kept the prepared model carefully on the table. And then it was her time to leave.
"If you want, you can have dinner with us?", I tried to make her stay a little more.
"Well,... hmm.. Actually, I ate way too many chips, so I don't think I could eat anything else." She said, touching her belly.
"Okay," I said, pressing my lips as she left.

I think I should at least ensure that she reaches her home safely, so I put on my Spider-Man suit and followed her silently... Until at one point, she stopped and started talking to a bald, old, mysterious man.
I couldn't hear what they were talking about, as I was a bit far. But then,... another person came. And he looked familiar.

"Karen, zoom in on that guy please," I ordered my AI and so she did.
I glanced at that other guy and only two words left my mouth: "Doctor Strange?!"...

Written by: fanficparkerCo-written, edited & proofread by tshhotsho(You really helped a lot

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Written by: fanficparker
Co-written, edited
& proofread by tshhotsho
(You really helped a lot... I can't even imagine this part without you... Tysmmmm.. 🙏💞)


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Word count: 1045 words
Date: 22 Dec'18

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