Part •20• | Y/n Y/ln

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Part 20..fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

It is much more complicated than I ever imagined

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It is much more complicated than I ever imagined. I actually never imagined it would be complicated at all.

I still remember the first day I came to Earth in that little one-way spaceship. My parents researched a lot about a safe place to live here and gave me the address of a charitable orphanage, one of the many orphanages run under the name of Tony Stark whom at that time I didn't know, but he turned out to be really popular, although. It was run by a big staff in Queens. I was 13 at that time, so they decided to find me a foster home rather than keeping me in the orphanage itself, handling me to my foster monsters who got a free servant by my name and even got paid by the orphanage. How lucky they were!

The first 3 months on Earth were a complete disaster. I had no idea how things worked here. But later I found books, movies and TV series and started reading and watching. In like a year I had enough knowledge about the people here that at least I could hide in the crowd as a little weird, yet a normal human being. Opting an introvert attitude made things a lot easier as not many people wanted to know me. The charity forced my fosters to get me educated and so I was admitted to the local high school - Midtown High.

My foster's complaining about the school fees forced me to engage in studies for receiving some scholarships. And that's when I got busy on Earth, dealing with the normal everyday problems these people faced. I found the ring in my second year on Earth and had the chance to go back to my home planet right then, but I couldn't make myself do that. I realized there are a lot of innocent people over here and I just can't let them die, so I hid it. And moved on. I be-friended Liz Allen and my life got even messier - the typical high school teen problems and I actually wanted people to notice me, I wanted friends as I started feeling lonely, although I 'tried' my best to push back those feelings, whatever I am, I am a person who has a brain, a soul and definitely a heart.

But I knew whenever I would get the chance to go back home I won't even think twice and leave this place. Sounds easy? Until I collided ways with that brunette, brown-eyed, nerdy... dumbo... Peter Benjamin Parker. Like seriously, I mostly be-friended him for playing with his Star Wars legos?! And now here I am, in love. Gosh, Hormones! Even this stupid sarcasm isn't helping me deal with this dilemma.

"No, she can't stay. Y/n needs to leave!"

Was it that easy for you Peter? Do you want me to get away from you that bad? Aren't you the one making all the first moves, crying seeing my parents here to take me away? So how can this be so easy for you?

"I--uh..." I don't know what to say. I looked down at my feet, my eyes dry and red. I felt my mother's hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n it's important for you to leave. You can't stay over here." Peter repeated as I hastily spun, facing him.

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