Part •5• | Peter Parker

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Part 5.. fanficparker PETER PARKER

"And most importantly, Liz  doesn't deserve Peter

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"And most importantly, Liz  doesn't deserve Peter."

Those words really surprised me. 


She looked up to the sky again, in admiration.

The night sky really has something to do with her...

"You know, I noticed that Peter is really naive and gentle and Liz doesn't actually respect that kind of personality... she makes fun of him behind his back, I know Peter left her at the last homecoming, but I don't think he actually ditched her, I saw he had tears in his eyes, but Liz, ... after that, ... well, it's shameful..." she concluded, sounding sympathetic.

"Really?" I questioned her, as I felt a little choking sensation in my throat.

"Yeah, I really feel bad for him. Peter deserves someone better than Liz!" she said concluding, getting me speechless.

She stood up, I got up as well, looking at her. 

"I think, I should leave. I don't want to get beaten up on my birthday again... "Shit!" she said, instantly covering her mouth. 

"What? Your Birthday and you have been beaten up? What exactly is happening?" I said, moving a bit closer to her.

"I-I'm getting late..." she said, looking at the other side, ignoring my question.

I moved in front of her, narrowing my mechanical eyes and folding my arms on my chest.

"You know, you can't get down this building without me?!" I said, raising my eyebrows under my mask.

"And I won't do that, till you explain your words 'truthfully'!" I stated my condition, clearly pointing my index finger at her.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that!" she said, bending her head down and a drop of tear escaped her eyes, directly falling onto the roof. She wiped her cheeks, as more tears start to fall. Her continuously looking down, indicating me that she doesn't like people seeing her cry. Respecting her choice, I walked at her back, softly tapping her shoulder.

"You can tell me, I'm the friendly neighbourhood Spider-man" I assured her, as I removed my hand from her shoulder, walking back to the spot we were previously sitting on. She followed me, a moment later and narrated her whole life, with her foster family and everything to me, which really shocked me.

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