Part •16• | Peter Parker

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Part 16..fanficparker PETER PARKER

I supported her, in this plan

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I supported her, in this plan. I did support her, I too wanted revenge.

It's been 3 days, Y/n is in SHIELD custody. I never expected she would lie to me! I used to love her, for her being a pure soul, but it turns out that people come in disguises. Se tried to kill us?! She's one of the bad guys, I fought every now and then. She told me, that she has changed, but Fury informed me about her, contacting her boss!!!

Everything is temporary,
this was merely one of those things.

I was recalling everything, lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, it was just 2 pm when I heard a doorbell. May wasn't home, so I rushed to receive the door. As I opened the door, I saw Y/n's foster mom standing there.

What is she doing here?

"Ah, hi!" I greeted, with loads of questions wandering inside my head.
"Is Y/n with you?" she asked, a little worried.

"Isn't she...? You aren't informed----?"
I don't know what to say, how is this even possible?! SHIELD always informs the captured culprit's family within the first 24 hours of custody, and it's freaking more than 72 hours!!

"Informed of what? I know I didn't do good to her, but still, she's part of my family. I realized I took her for granted. If she ran off to you then please help me meet her." Her words sounded genuine.

How is this possible? SHIELD isn't this irresponsible, why didn't they inform her?

"Why aren't you replying? Is she fine? Tell me! Please!" she demanded, I could see tears forming in her eyes.

Wasn't she the one who hurt her?
And now she's shedding tears in her absence! Y/n is a girl with value. There is something weird going over here, something beyond my understanding...

"She's safe. Don't worry. I will tell you about her, just give me some time." I said trying to make her calm down. I slowly shut the door giving her a weak smile, instantly rushing to my room, wearing my suit and mask, swinging towards the SHIELD headquarters.

"What's up Spider-Man?" Agent Koenig welcomed me with his amusing voice. With a proud look, he lifted his double chin to take a glance of my masked eyes.
"Just wanting to meet Fury," I responded, walking inside the headquarters swiftly, as he followed me behind.
"Fury's not in town." he conceded, making me stop on my path.
"What? Where is he then, Sam?" I asked, turning my face towards him.
"I'm Billy, Sam is the shorter one!" he said reaching near my face.
"Okay okay, Billy. You're twins?... "
"Quadruplets" he interjected.
"Fine... All four of you 'quadruplet' Koenig brothers are tell that the other one is shorter, and fuckin' all of you are absolutely identical." I said, frustrated.
"I'm the tallest of the four, Sam is 160.98 centimetres, while I'm 161.04 centimetres. And talking of Eric and Thurston, they are 161.01 and 160.91 centimeters respectively," he said straightening his chest, in a proud gesticulation.

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