Part •2• | Y/n Y/ln

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Part 2.. fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

"So, where's your friend?" I heard another guys voice behind me while I was checking the timetable in my locker

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"So, where's your friend?" I heard another guys voice behind me while I was checking the timetable in my locker. I turned back to face him.

"Look, Flash I am her 'friend' not 'personal secretary'! I would really appreciate if you respect me as a person." He fake yawned in front of me, giving no attention to my words and walked away, making me forcefully shut the locker door. 

As I started walking towards my class I saw Peter with his best friend Ned Leeds standing in front of me with Peter's eyes fixed on someone in admiration. It must not be me. I turned back cementing my doubt into reality as I saw Liz walking behind, playing with her hairs. A group of girls encircled her like she was a 'princess'. I straight away rushed inside my classroom.

I sat on my desk and soon more students settled down. As the teacher entered everyone greeted her.

"So, here's the results of your mid-semester English exam," she said instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

"Shit!" I could hear some students swearing.

"Ned Leeds, 89% well done"

"Cindy Moon, 82.5% good"

"Travis Alex, 72% could get more"

"Eugene Flash, 31% not gonna pass for sure"
"Peter Parker, 91% really amazing, keep going"

"Y/n Y/ln, 91.5% great, amazing like always"

What..!?! I show up regularly, do all my homework and this Peter guy got just 0.5% less than me? He rarely shows up to the classes.!!! Okay, I am not jealous, just...oh yeah I am jealous.!..

"Ma'am ah... May I use the restroom?" he asked for permission from our teacher.
I am pretty sure he won't return before the class ends...

And, as I said he finally showed up in the third period... I got good marks in English, biology and chemistry, but I didn't do well in physics and maths... I sometimes feel that why the hell you need to study so many subjects? I mean no one can excel in all of them at the same time? I hate this school education system.

School is definitely some abbreviation.

S: Slow-witted
C: Cruel
H: Human's
O: Organisation
O: Of
L: Learning

But literally, Peter Parker is a 'walking brain', I mean he really did great in all 4 major subjects biology, chemistry, physics & maths!! Although, I scored better in bio & chem, still... He doesn't even show up to the classes..!

I wouldn't have given my marks even a shit if scholarships weren't given on the basis of marks...
I would be singing...

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