Part •19• | Peter Parker

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Part 19..fanficparker PETER PARKER

It was the third day after Y/n had defeated Dorothea, so we were in the hospital to get her wounds re-bandaged

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It was the third day after Y/n had defeated Dorothea, so we were in the hospital to get her wounds re-bandaged. In the beginning, it was just me and her, but soon some other people joined her too. They looked unfamiliar but seemed familiar. Doctor Strange brought them to us. Just a moment later I realized why these unfamiliar people seemed familiar. Y/n practically jumped and ran to embrace each of them in a hug, not just a hug - it was the hug one would only give to a loved one after being away from them for a really long time. It was her family, not her foster family, but her real family - the one she left behind on her home planet. Soon I realized - my biggest nightmare was realizing just in front of me.

But... She was happy - she was so happy. I have never seen her so happy. I could see the corner of her eyes brisking with tears, with tears of relief. For a moment I felt like I wasn't there. She was reuniting with her family, the day she was waiting for since she came here. Times have been even more difficult for her since this week after she had defeated Dorothea. Her superpowered avatar is trending on media everywhere. Everyone's approach towards her was changed to a whole new level. And this change was drastic, cause I could see them afraid. Afraid of her. Her fosters were no longer rude to her, instead, they were terrified of her. In our school just before the winter break she wasn't much in attention, but now everyone's attention was on her. I could clearly see the fear in their eyes. They think Y/n is dangerous. She practically saved every one of us and yet they are afraid. It kills me when people who are actually the one saving are the one suffering from judgement.
Everyone seemed to see her like a ticking bomb in between them. I want to fight them, but practically I can't do anything. Those were their thoughts and I can't change the way people see us - the one with powers or special abilities.

Mankind has always been afraid of the things they can't understand. And I'm afraid this fear could take the form of hatred. First, citizens praise heroes, but the next moment they are terrified of them! People like Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff and so many are seen with fear, with hatred. And I don't want Y/n Y/ln to be a part of this list. This is one of the many reasons I prefer keeping my secret identity. I may be Spider-man, but my real identity is Peter Parker - the same Peter Parker who's bullied by Flash, the same Peter Parker who's a nerd, who loves pop culture and who's a dumbo... sometimes.

But now she finally has a chance to prevent this. She can go back, leave this place, save herself from the rising hate and be happy with them - her family. I could see a middle-aged lady who looked so much like her, a middle-aged man with the same hair colour as her - her parents. The boy with them probably seemed to be around twenty-two looks like her brother and together they all look perfect. I have already lost my parents and Uncle Ben and I know the pain of living without your beloved ones.

There's not even a single doubt that I love her. I haven't ever loved anyone like that. The selfish way - the way where you wished them all to yourself, but you also want them to get all the happiness of the world, and as of this case - out of the world.

The first time I had a real conversation with her was after when I saw her crying, extremely sad in our school cafeteria and after that, I realized I don't want her to be sad ever again. She needs to be happy - with me or without me. After what seemed like an eternity her gaze shifted to me and I couldn't stop, but stare at her like it was the last time I was seeing her because maybe it was. She rushed towards me with a big smile on her beautiful face - the one I fell in love with.

I realized I didn't even yet tell her that she was beautiful... So beautiful and now I realize maybe I could never get a chance to tell her that.

She gently took my hand in hers, dragging me towards her family, introducing me to them. But to be honest I couldn't hear anything. I could only see her lips moving as my ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton. I could feel hot fluid brisking my eyes. She softly shook my shoulder and finally, I could hear again. Before she could notice my eyes glistening with tears, I rubbed them with the sleeve of my sweater. I produced a smile, "Nice to meet you all," I greeted them. And that was the moment I realized I was captivated in the most intense part of my nightmare.

"Y/n, let's go back home!" Her father swooned as the rest of the family cheered. My chest tightened to a level that it was aching. I swallowed the bile rising in my throat. For a split second Y/n almost jumped of ecstasy, but as she looked at me, her smile faded away. Maybe my pale face was the reason. I was never good with hiding feelings, especially for the ones I loved. I told myself again and again that I can't be selfish, I have to let go.

My lips were trembling, my breath was shaky, I couldn't produce any words as she faced me. She was going to say something, but I just cupped her face and stared at those beautiful eyes of her. I don't know what happened, but she started crying, not just crying she was sobbing. Was I staring at her for that long? Only a second later I realized that my cheeks were dripping with tears too and my eyes felt like burning. I removed my hands from her cheeks and pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly. For a moment it seemed like it was just me and Y/n.
I neither said 'I love you' to her nor talked about that unrequited kiss and now I had no time for any of them anymore. Words don't seem important right now. I gently let her go, brushing away the hairs that stuck on her cheeks and forehead. I gave her a smile - a genuine smile, kissing her forehead softly.

I could see her family waiting impatiently for her, so I guided her vision towards them, nodding my head slightly. She pressed her lips in a tight smile turning to her parents.

"I think it's time," I said wiping my tears, wearing another smile. She held her father's hand glancing at me for the last time I suppose and dragged her feet, but none of her family members moved making her pause. She raised an eyebrow at her still parents.

"Stay..." Her dad said softly.
"Wha-what?" She asked in disbelief looking at me as I mirrored her expressions.
"We think you and your friend should stay together," her mom spoke.
Y/n parted her lips looking at me and back at them but couldn't produce any words. So I was the only one responsible to reply. I took a deep sigh stepping closer to them.
"No, she can't stay. Y/n needs to leave!" I said firmly although my heart was saying otherwise, but I had already realized, 'Sometimes love means letting go...'

Written by: fanficparkerEdited & Proofread by: @lover

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Written by: fanficparker
Edited & Proofread by: @lover.of.life3


Word count: 1330 words
Date: 6 Mar'19

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