Part •15• | Y/n Y/ln

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PART 15..fanficparker Y/N Y/L/N

It was time, to tell the truth, the complete truth

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It was time, to tell the truth, the complete truth. I took a deep sigh, closing my eyes shut.

It seemed like someone pressed the rewind button, that too in 8x speed, leaving me at the beginning, the very beginning!

"It took centuries to make Chronicom a green, happy planet. We were thankful to our new king who made all this possible. His name was Enoch. He lived 365 years for us, to ensure that his children lived, he was my great great grandfather. He was so much different from his elder brother Kaius, the king of Atlantis, the reason why we were abandoned to a far-flung planet. Enoch was a God for all of us, everyone loved him, everyone prayed day and night so that he could live forever, enlighten all the coming generations. We thought that the prayers were the thing keeping him alive, until one day after 365 years he finally died.

The day was a historical day, everyone was mourning for him, Enoch was considered divine, his death was something beyond belief. We were wrong! He wasn't alive so long, because of him being divine or holy, but because of the 3 rings, he owned. He never wore them, but he was connected to them. The rings were miles, even light years apart from him, but still he could use their powers. He died because someone else found them, 2 of them. Her name was Dorothea, Kauis's only heir. She was close to Enoch, he loved her like a daughter. She used his love to find out the reason for his immortality and succeeded. She captured 2 of the rings that were buried deep inside Chronicom by Enoch. The sudden retrieval of 2 of the 3 rings made Enoch weak, he died of that. Dorothea made herself young again, we thought she would kill all of us, but she rather introduced better food and living for us. I befriended her, she was my far relative. I was just 10 years old and that 200 years old Dorothea who looked like she was 18, was already my best friend. Although I'm 17, I can bet she still looks like 18. There was something in her, that made people believe her. And I loved to hang out with her, to get the spotlight. We became close friends, almost like sisters at least from my side. Everything was going so smooth, but then she finally revealed her plan. She finally found the location of the third and last ring, that was on Earth. So, she sent me here, to retrieve it. Her true intentions weren't to kill our people, but yours. If she gets all the 3 rings, she will make the whole Earth sunk underwater like Atlantis, killing everyone, to take revenge for the people of Atlantis who died, when we were abandoned. I supported her, in this plan. I did support her, I too wanted revenge. Also, she threatened me to kill my family if I fail.

But now after coming here, spending more than four years on this planet, I realized it's not good to kill the current generation because of the mistakes your ancestors did. So I remained silent. Hidden. Trying to adjust in this planet, to make it my home. So that she couldn't complete her intentions and my family won't be hurt. I'm no more like her. I just prayed to meet my family, to go back home, my real home. But, it can't happen."

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