Chapter Four

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|| Emy Gold's POV

Friday was very hectic for me for the fact that on that day I entered the Richardson Mansion met everyone and not forget the fiery discussions that took place at the dining table. It was a lot for me. Eventually the weekend had arrived and I did not have any idea what to do. I decided to venture out the Mansion that was enough time consuming as well as to explore the vast garden.

According to Mrs Miranda, I was supposed to join school on Monday. It was new for me as I was going to continue my studies in one of the prestigious private school of New York where by the help of Mr Richardson who was the trustee here has been able to enrol me there quiet easily. Mrs Miranda had taken on my full responsibilities and my uniform as well as all my school accessories will be available by Sunday.

The weekend was monotone for me. I'd wake up in the morning join Mrs Miranda for breakfast. Mr and Mrs Richardson were never present at home. They were always busy. When I would ask Miranda about this she just laughed and said that it was a miracle enough that they all joined for dinner yesterday. They clearly had no time for the family. Adrian and Anna were no less. They were never present at the breakfast table. They were certainly not early risers. Later in the evening, I learnt that they went on camping with their friends and will not be present until Monday. So, there was just Miranda and I in this big swish mansion.

Mrs Miranda intuiting my loneliness never kept me away from her eyes. She kept me company and showed me around the house. She presented me to the staff of the house who were very pleasant and welcoming. She was very opened with them expressing herself and the maids seemed to be much familiarised with her. She was not selfish and arrogant at all.

Later on sitting in the garden sipping the afternoon tea along with some snacks, Miranda narrated to me the struggle of her husband and her. As she related, I can sensed myself drawn to her making me more at ease to talk to her. I was very much amazed to learn about the strong bond of her deceased husband and my grandfather. I never realised that such deep friendship can exist.

"Trust me dear, your grandfather was a wonderful person. He never ceased once to help us. He was always there for us. Your grandfather and my husband belonged to the same hometown. They were neighbours and best friends. Then later, my husband and I decided to move to New York to set up our business." Miranda recalled her memories with a big smile on her face.

"Then later when we got the news that he died suddenly, we were not able to attend his funeral as we were out of the country." I was not bored at all and listening to Miranda made my heart clenched in pain listening to Miranda narrating some of her sorrowful memories.

"We came later on some few weeks later with Adrian who was just five years at that time. My husband missed the fields and I can recalled how Adrian was happy that day. He liked the field a lot especially the surroundings. In this, he quiet resembled his grandfather. He has the same traits and attributes." Miranda self-confessed and I cannot much agree on what she said beholding how he acted on the Friday evening.

"When we visited your parents, you were just recently born. You were so cute at that time. That is why you do not remember us. You were so little." She exclaimed beaming at me.

Miranda took a sip of her tea looking at her surroundings and turned to look at me.

"I am happy you are here sweetie. Usually, it is just me spending the weekends together alone. I'm glad you are here." Miranda said taking my hands and stroking it gently. I just smiled at her words.

"I apologised the way Adrian acted yesterday. It was not one of his best days. He can be very harsh sometimes all depending on his moods." Miranda claimed apologising to me on behalf of his grandson who I bet do not have a slight regret of what he said to me yesterday.

"It's okay Mrs Richardson. You do not need to apologise to me on that or anything." I replied and she just nodded in affirmative.

As I looked over Miranda, I can see her tensed. She was in deep thinking as if something was bothering her.

"Adrian was not always like that. He was always the chubby soft-hearted grandchild that I have ever desired. He always use to laugh at anything you told him and now I do not even see his smile in the past few years. Maybe the circumstances had changed him. It changed him for the worse." She exclaimed tears blinding her eyes.

It seemed like she wanted to say more but did not say anything and I did not want push her more to say; it was not my place to do so.

"Adrian and Anna are very reserved. They do not easy let a person in. it takes time especially with Adrian, he tend to be very cocky sometimes. So give them some time Emy, you will see that they themselves will be drawn towards you." She stated and I nodded. Maybe she was right. I should respect them give them some time despite the fact that I really disliked that Adrian. He is so boorish.

Soon dinner came and this time we were able to have dinner calmly and was very comfortable as it was just Miranda and I. we were able to talk about a lot of thing. She was the sole Richardson until now that I was able to express myself and let out my thoughts.

Miranda never ceases to remind me that she was extremely pleased with my presence here and from now on, her weekends will be better.

Sunday was more or less the same. My day was spent with Miranda as she was busy showing me my uniform along with other school accessories. I was too shocked when I looked over the prices. However, Miranda did not hesitate at all in spending money my way.

Then we went on a fancy restaurant the evening and the manager came out to greet Mrs Richardson and guide us to our place. Special attention was given to us. I realised later that the Richardson have a very big name here in New York. 

However, this was not my main concern. I was more bothered with tomorrow when I will be going to a new school, which was the opposite of what I used to study in my hometown. My social standards were different and I bet if I will be able to make new friends. I just hope that I will be able to adjust with these new surroundings. This was new life for me.

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