Chapter Twenty Five

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|| Emy Gold's POV

Ultimately, the day the Richardson was long waiting was here. The day was long enough the Richardson family was all busy in their respective activities. Mr Richardson was not noticeable in the house probably busy somewhere. Kendra since this morning has been busy in instructing the maids concerning the evening party. I was in the kitchen grabbing a thing to eat when Anna noticed me. 

These days we are rather on good terms; she was not so much reserved than before. Moreover, as she spotted me in the kitchen, she did not fail to remind me that a hair stylist and a make-up artist would be present in the evening to do our makeover.

Eventually, the night came rapider and Anna summoned me to her room. The stylist was already there doing Anna's hair. It was the first time in Anna's room. Her room was spacious and not too different from mine.

This was all new for me. Make up was not my thing. It is not as if I dislike it, it was more to the fact that I did not wear excessive king of makeup before; there was never such special occasion to wear them. I requested the make-up artist of doing a simple make up on me. To my complete amazement, I could help but appreciate the piece of work he mastered on my face. I looked different from before. The latter has been able to cover all my freckles; I looked prettier.

After that, the hair stylist fixed my hair and I preferred letting my hair down to my shoulder. Anna had hair done some sort of , which fully suited her. The hair stylist has outputted a dashing curly and ladder waterfall braid hairstyle, which suited me impeccably making Anna nodding her head in my affirmative.

After I wore the dress Anna chosen for me, I remained in awe appraising myself in the mirror. I could not believe if I was still the same person. This was a complete make over. Anna by my side looked astonishing glamorous as always wearing her luxurious off shoulder dress. One thing was definitely undeniable that we did not look thirteen at all.

Miranda strutted in the room afterwards and was stupefied seeing my transformation. Anna could not help but agree with her. Miranda even joked that I appeared like some sort of heiress and I would have many admirers today. I could not help but blushed. She was right though, I could not even recognise myself in the mirror.

Miranda summoned us downstairs and to say that I was nervous was a big understatement. I was a lot more anxious and with this new makeover, I was scared to descend downstairs to face the people gathered there.

Anna gestured me to come along with her as we made our way downstairs. People at every corner of the hall slowly sensed and turned their head at our presence. Almost everyone present in the place was ogling at Anna who seemed to smear a smile on her face as she greeted some person on her way. 

All present was probably the same standard and status as the Richardson. Moreover, I did not miss some of the glances of people ogling at me with their furrowing eyebrows. Lords of faces were familiar due to the charity event I had attended with Miranda some few months ago.

The fact that many gazes were on me made me very intimidation and I could not blame them as I was new here or maybe they did not recognise me as I was multiple times better than the way I dressed myself for the charity event with Miranda.

I stayed behind Anna the whole time unable to adjust with the atmosphere. The servants of the house were all busy serving drinks while Anna was pretty much indulged in a conversation. Nobody really acknowledged my presence; Therefore, I just took a nearby seat drinking some juice until I saw Kendra and Miranda descending the chairs joining Anna.

Apart of the Richardson, I knew nobody here and I looked around assessing the atmosphere around when I heard Miranda calling me, gesturing me to approach her. Lifting my dress, I advanced towards her; she grabbed my hand leading me right beside her. Her hand moved to my back as she introduced as one of her relatives residing to her place for some time. Her statement was enough to eradicate some of the glances in the room.

Lara Winston was present in this evening with company of her parents who seemed very eager engrossed conversations with the Richardson. Their concentration was elsewhere looking forth and back as if awaiting impatiently for someone's arrival. It was very clear; they were waiting for Adrian who have not yet appeared. The Winston definitely intends to form future bond with the Richardson. I rolled my eyes in displeasure; I would not surprise to find Lara Winston becoming the future Lara Adrian Richardson. They suited each other perfectly.

As the thought left my mind, I found numerous heads to find Adrian Richardson strolling down the stairs. As always, He looked breath taking and handsome. However, this time was different, this was the first time I saw him dressed formally for an evening business party. He snatched all the limelight of the evening by wearing a royal blue Lapel Velvet Custom Blazer Classic Jacket, an elegant formal Tuxedo. He undeniably looked like the heir of the Richardson family. If only his insides were as mesmerizing as his exterior appearance, he would be perfect human being.

He looked dreadfully enthralling and I could not deny the copious gawks he was receiving in the hall especially girls from highest-class families who even approached me like a celebrity suppliant for his attention.

To say he has not deny the attention of the girls, speaking to one by one at a time and then he raised his hands to his friends who were leaning over the counter of the bar leaving the damsels behind and I could noticed his taking a deep breath rolling his eyes walking to his friends waywardly. He was double faced and not many people knew that.

Just as I ripped my gaze from him, my attention caught up with Anna walking in my direction. Unexpectedly, she got hold of my hand leading me along with her until we reached a circle of friends. Lords of faces were similar from our school as they gawked at me bewilderedly.

Many of them, who till yesterday was sneering at me disgustfully in the hallways of the school criticising me and making fun of my appearance, today were standing totally appalled on learning my connection with the Richardson. I could not deny the satisfaction I was feeling deep when Anna introduced me formally to everyone as a relative residing at her place since some past few months.

Some of them did question us why I have been so discreet not revealing my relationship with the Richardson, Anna just shrugged justifying them I did not like much the attention. Their ways totally changed afterwards, they started having some proper conversations with me, complimenting my complete make over.

I could not thanks Anna enough for it. She did not let me seated idle in a corner. She introduced me to everyone. However, my joy did not last long until I saw everyone's gaze turned besides me until I sensed Adrian Richardson himself halting next to me. He has obviously entered in this small circle of friends and I did not miss the glare he gave me.

I just hope this evening ends well for me. However, I was naïve to grasp that this evening party has now began with lots of things in store for me.

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