Chapter Twenty One

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|| Emy Gold's POV

I reached my hands up to my face to wipe out the blood oozing out of my nose. My nose was aching but this was my least concern. The main thing, which preoccupied my mind, was the way Adrian and Jason were glowering each other. They looked as if they were ready to kill each other. Adrian has been successful in enraging Jason.

"You don't have to use Emy to get to me." Jason declared glaring at Adrian.

However, this did not intimidated Adrian at all. All he kept doing was glowering down at Jason who was apparently some feet shorter than he was.

"You don't have the idea of how much I control myself from beating the hell out of you." Adrian scowled fisting his hands. Anna came to his side hastily in an attempt to calm his nerves.

Jason inhaled and exhaled calming down,

"You did not really forget all these things right? You have stocked so much animosity inside you that has eventually ruined you from what you were," Jason professed looking at Adrian who in turn became more agitated assimilating these words. His face was full of wrath.

Jason's words have rendered him more agitated than ever. He tried to step ahead of Jason but Anna caught his hands halting him. He shoved Anna's hands as he stepped up more closely to Jason.

"And who made me like that? Everything is clear. I cannot ever forget you for what you did to me," he roared.

I was very perplexed by their conversation. Not me, in fact everyone in the place was frowning gawking at them. Murmurs could be heard, they were clearly discussing about them. One thing was sure, these two must be kept far, they were mortal enemies.

"Well you are not perfect either. All you do is sleeping around and bullying people." Jason snarled.

"You are a pain in the ass considering your parents have to clear all the mess you do. Good for nothing rich arrogant brat," He added.

I did not have time to amass all those informations when I saw Adrian reaching over Jason punching him over the face causing the latter to fall drastically on the ground.

I let out a shout with all the students gawking in shock. Jason did not have time to get up on his feet when Adrian slammed him further to the floor and gave him another big blow on his face. His nose and lip were bleeding. He had an upper hand as he bend down continuously throwing punches at him.

I stood motionless on the spot unable to function. It was as if I was re-experiencing the second day at school when Adrian was thrashing a guy in the school's hallways. Today I was involved in this.

Anna approached his brother to detach him from Jason who was pathetically lying down on the floor unable to riposte. Anna's attempt was futile causing him to be more pugnacious. No one in the cafeteria dared to stop this fight and his friends were not present either. Lara stood in a corner was too busy filming of what was happening.

Despite the immense pain of my knees, I reached forward to help Anna in stopping Adrian. Anna was taken aback at first, as she did not expect that I would help her in reasoning her brother. However, this was necessary before the situation gets any more complicated.

"Ad... Ad you need to stop right now." Anna tried to reason.

I looked over Anna who was totally focused on her brother as she continued;

"If this situation aggravates, you know the consequences right?" She injected touching his back.

Being this belligerent of a person, I did not expect him to heed the words of his sister. However, eventually after some seconds passed, I sensed him halting his upcoming punch as he stood up adjusting himself. His hair was messy unloosing his school's tie irritatingly. He glanced over Jason for a second then strolled his way out of this place. Anna followed him along with his good for nothing girlfriend.

One by one, everyone return to his or her respective classes. Bethany and I came by Jason's side to help him to get on his feet. With this deteriorating state, forcibly we had to take him to the nurse office. He was having difficulty in speaking but we got the message. He was declining to the idea of going to the nurse's office, which would eventually lead to the principal and this would lead to a police case, which would affect his grandparents. He did not want that.

Then Bethany thought that it would be preferable to sneak Jason out of the school and her driver would pass to fetch him transporting him to the hospital. Eventually, we were successful in fleeing him from here.

Anna did not return home with me this afternoon. She was surely tending over her brother. Despite her younger age, she was more sensible and responsible than her brother. Adrian was such a sickening person and the more days were passing, the more I accumulated hatred for him.

In the evening, dinner was served and I did not have the appetite to take even a bite of the foods displayed in front of me. I was preoccupied with Jason. I wondered how his injuries were. Exams were approaching and I was worried whether he would be able to take the exams or not. The final exams mattered a lot to him. He confronted Adrian for tripping me. I did not know to thank him or feel sorry for me. I needed to call him as soon as I finished this dinner.

The family was discussing some issues regarding their business while I stayed focused on my foods lowering down my head the whole time. The family was too busy in their talk that they did not even notice my surliness.

The time when I lifted my head, I caught sight of Anna and Adrian entering the dinner arena taking their respective seat. I could not but glare at Adrian. I could not but feel full abhorrence toward him. I could not even bear the sight of his. His sight disgusted me.

However, I could do nothing. I was practically living under his roof. This disturbed me, the fact that I have to compromise with all his caprices. I lowered my head to my plate in an attempt to gulp all the foods at once to get the hell away from this person.

He kept a neutral face as if he has not committed any offence and reached out a maid to serve his food. For the past few months that I've been residing at his place, I was able to see many faces of him. And astonishingly as it appeared, they were all negative attributes coming from him. Anna glanced at me for a while but I dropped my gaze to my plate.

My knees were still aching from the pain he bestowed to me. This was the second time he bullied me as I reminisced the pool party where I almost drowned because of him. I did not know how long I would be able to control myself from all his afflicts.

This time for sure Mr Richardson did not get any clue of what his son had committed or else he would not be so composed right now.

My head was ready to explode from all this mess. In the midst of dinner, I left unexpectedly my dinner aside and marched out of the door limping. I could hear voices behind me but I did not acknowledge it. I could not care anymore and I shambled to my room not looking back.

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