Chapter Six

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|| Emy Gold's POV

When you have no friends ; school life become rather boring. I was alone sitting in the cafeteria of the school with no friends to talk. It's not as if anyone has tried to befriend me. This sort of thing did not exist in that school. The girls here were more focused dressing themselves and applying their makeup that they do not even have time to speak to a new comer. Anna has clearly deserted and she was even out of sight. I do not know where she went. She was not clearly interested to befriend me let alone speak to me.

The students here were definitely different from what I imagined them. They were all dressed up like elite all neat and alluring. They were definitely children from rich families. I grabbed something to eat paying with a card offered in the administration and sat down to eat. There was approximately fifteen minutes left for the break to finish. I was starving.

I had ordered a burger and some fries. The foods of this school was scrumptious compared to my previous school where there were constant petition being done to Improve quality of foods offered to the students. I guessed they did not have this problem here.

After some dozen of minutes have passed, a group of students enter the cafeteria and it was easy to tell that they were famous by the attention they were receiving from other students. I bite on my burger. The group of students were from high classes and I did not fail to notice Adrian among them. He was with his two friends. they were the seniors of this school.

Adrian tapped a boy on the head who getting the full attention of Adrian stood up to give them the table he was previously sitting with his friends. Now that was impolite. What did he think of himself? A bad boy?

And he did not finish there. He instructed the guy something I did not decipher and some minutes later, the latter brought on their menus that they obviously told him to order and then he went away to sit at another table. Glancing at that boy, he seemed petrified as some minutes later he vanished from the cafeteria.

I glanced over Adrian to see him in a deep conversation with one of his friends. He was serious. His another friend was busy making out with a blond sitting beside him. He was more of a player. That was disgusting. How can the girl be comfortable in kissing and touching when there were his friends seated at the same table?

Later on Anna entered the cafeteria grabbing a seat next to Adrian as she also got indulged in the conversation and I can the stares of many girls who was busy gawking her probably jealous of her. I continued staring at them while chewing my fries when suddenly Anna caught my eyes and I let my gaze fell to my lap. Crap she saw me staring at them. She continued to stare at me and then she turned to whisper Adrian something, which made him turn in my direction.

I decided not to look at him. However, from my side vision I can see him staring directly at me. I turned to meet his intense glare and I can see him smirking my way then turned away. Anna also did the same as she resumed her conversation with her brother. They seemed to have a strong sibling bond where they went to camping together to eating together. A desire pricked my heart the desire of having siblings. Maybe if I had a brother or a sister; I would not have been alone today. Shaking my head, I finished my meal and went to my respective classes.

Afternoon classes were monotone having no friends to talk to and paying attention to classes that were clearly boring.

When school hours ended, a driver was waiting for us outside the school to take us back home. When I reached the car, Anna was already sitting in there. The drive was similar to the morning with Anna plugging in her earphones while I was enjoying the streets of New York. New York was different as it had many huge buildings, malls, museums and the rushing of people kept me in wonderment.

Miranda was present in the living room waiting for us as instructed by a maid when we entered home. Anna did not even bother to care as she went upstairs to her room while I went to the living room. Miranda was impatient to know how my day went. Therefore, I decided to go upstairs to freshen up and went in the garden to take the afternoon snacks with her and of course to narrate to her my good day at school. (Note the sarcasm)

Of course, I did not tell her that I remained alone. Instead, I told her that I befriended some students and they were very pleasant and kind.

Dinner was tranquil. There were Miranda, Anna, Kendra and I for dinner. Mr Richardson was busy in a business meeting and of course Adrian who was never present at the table.

In the midst of dinner, we heard the maids greeting someone and where I was seated, I could see that it was Adrian. He caught my eyes and went straight up to his room. After a while, I completed my dinner and excused myself for the night.

As I reached the third floor, I walked over my room to stop to a room what was mid closed and I can see Adrian laying down on the bed naked with only his school pants. My eyes widened as I shook my head dismissing myself before this get any more embarrassing.

This repeated the same the next day. The drive to school was boring and the silence was really getting on my nerves.

When I entered the class for the first period, I was elated to see the blond girl from yesterday who was seated next to me for my first class. She seemed to notice me coming as she signalled me to take me a seat next to her.

"Hi, I'm Bethany Meddler!" she introduced smiling my way.

"Emy Gold" I said adjusting myself.

"I'm sorry yesterday, I wanted to talk to you but I could not. An emergency had arisen at my place so I had to go." She explained looking at me as I told her than it was fine. She was very beautiful and cute with her blond hair.

"Actually I'm also a transferee. It's been a month I'm attending this school." she enlightened and I was happy to have at least a person who was willing to be my friend. We did not had the chance to talk more as the teacher made her way inside the class.

Bethany was not like the rest of the class. She did not judge my appearance. She was just willing to be my friend.

"So you're not from here?" she enquired as we took a seat in the cafeteria.

"No I just moved here last week." I answered taking some fries.

"If you want I can show you around. You'll like New York don't worry." She beamed glancing around.

"So I guessed nobody befriended you?" she asked as I looked at her in stupefaction as I nodded dolefully.

"Hey chill! It has been the same for me. When I entered here, nobody was willing to make friends with me. So I guessed we're pretty same." She grinned taking a sip of her drink.

We took our lunch in silence afterward and I decided to ask her.

"Why are you a transferee?" I probed as she looked up to look at me.

" I guess that because my parents wanted the best for me and this school is the best in this city so that's why I'm here" she shrugged her shoulders and smiled as I nodded in confirmatory.

My day was better than yesterday. I got someone to eat with me and we were able to share our thoughts and opinions. Nevertheless, my happiness did not last long when we heard a deep bang in the school hall. That sound was deafening that caught almost all the attention of the students as they all rushed out of the cafeteria.

Bethany and I eyed at each other before proceeding to see what was happening. As we advanced, the sound of banging someone was becoming more vociferous. It was clear that a fight was taking place ahead.

The scene was taking place in the school hallways. As we proceeded more, I can Anna screaming in an attempt to stop the fight and my eyes widened in denial when I saw Adrian knocking a boy to death. My hands covering my mouth, I could not believe what was happening in front of me.

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