Chapter Thirteen

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|| Emy Gold's POV 

After such a long time, I could see Mr and Mrs Richardson having dinner with the family. They discussed mostly business matters on the dining table and I just remained focused on my dinner. Anna was more interested in knowing the new fashion event of her mother.

Adrian was not here as usual and I was glad that until now I have not come face to face with him after what incident on Saturday. Then someone must have jinxed my thoughts as I saw enter the dining room.

He was as usual still in his uniform as he took a place next to his sister. His mother was glad to see his son after such a time as she was always talking to him whereas Adrian was most of time focused on his dinner. He surely lacked manners.

Mr Richardson was quiet only eating his food and I was glad that the dinner was running smoothly for once.

I was looking at Adrian in the periphery as I could sense him staring at me. He must have realised that I have not spoken a word to anyone about the incident on Saturday. Miranda was quiet and as soon as Adrian finished his dinner, he walked away from the dining room. I let out a breath of relief.

Days went on and it has become a routine for me to go to the library after school hours at least 3 days a week.  This has amply helped me boosting my studies I wanted to excel in my every subjects. It was no longer returning home with Anna. Instead, Bethany offering her help decided to go to library with me every day to catch up with my notes. Moreover, as the library was just a few minutes of walk to home, I told Miranda that I would be walking home instead of sending a driver to fetch me.

However, returning home was tiresome. I felt worn out.  coincidentally, I met with Jason. He was a nice person and doing his last year of high school. He became more friendly towards me giving me a help sometimes with my studies. 

Upon coming home, I was still in my uniform and a maid came telling me that Miranda was seeking me at the pool.

As I went there, Miranda was already present sitting at the pool table. As I approached; haplessly as it was, I was seated in just in front of the pool where Adrian was swimming.

"You were asking for me?" I stared at Miranda

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"You were asking for me?" I stared at Miranda.

"Yes dear! You look exhausting." She affirmed. It was true. It was tiring going to the library every day.

"I called to talk to you. I can barely see you lately." She said as I smiled.

"Actually there is a lot of school projects which I will have to submit by the end of this semester." I stated as a maid served me some tea.

"Actually there is some charity event that I was thinking to go next week. I was wishing if you would want to go with me?" Miranda demanded sipping her tea. i never went to a charity event. This was new for me.

"Me?" I questioned. Why would Miranda take me with her? I was not even one of her grandchildren.

"Well! I want someone to accompany me. I tried asking Anna. She refused saying that she had to help her Kendra with her upcoming show. Adrian will obviously not come with me to this kind of event." She exclaimed looking desperate.

"That's because those events are boring grandma." Adrian in his bathrobe repudiated approaching our table. He looked extremely attractive with his wet hair. But then again I could not help but retort myself for having such thoughts about such a narcissistic person. He smirked taking a seat when Miranda rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"It would be nice if you would come with me and I think you should considering you are the sole successor of the Richardson industries." Miranda confirmed while Adrian just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah! But charity event is not my thing."

Charity is a good thing. It was a means to equalise the rich and the poor. It was nice seeing Miranda giving charity and as much as I thought on that, it was not a bad idea to accompany Miranda to the event.

"Well I can just bring Emy with me." Miranda argued as Adrian chuckled next to me.

"What you would present her as your biggest contribution for charity? Letting some orphan stay at our house," he chortled as I stared at him. He was again demeaning me.

"Adrian watch out what you are saying." She warned appearing angry. He just smirked sipping his afternoon tea. Her grandson was out of everyone's control. She knew that.

After a while, a maid came informing Miranda that a parcel had come for her. Excusing herself, she went inside leaving me with Adrian.

Adrian continued sitting at the table sipping his tea and I did not know what to do. As I thought of getting up, Adrian turned his gaze on me as if reading me.

"Why did not you tell grandma about Saturday?" he said crossing his arms.

I did not know why I was afraid of him. Every time, he says something to me, I shivered. I felt like my mouth was resisting saying something. They remained glued as I looked down to my shoes.

He breathed heavily and I could see his still staring at me.

"Well, it is in your betterment if you keep your mouth shut like this. You would not want to go against the one giving you a shelter to live right?" he asserted smirking at me. He was surely the rudest egoistic jerk I have ever encountered. He disliked charity. Then he obviously disliked me, as he only perceived me as an item of charity.

It was futile sitting here listening to his nonsense. I stood up leaving the table.

"Gold?" he stopped me and I turned to look at him.

"It's good to see that you have strangely adapt to this house. However, just don't try to mix up with us. We are after all from different worlds."

When these words left his mouth, I learned that he would always see me as one of grandmother's piece of charity.

At this, I just walked away again without telling him anything. Just to please Miranda, I accepted in going with her to her charity event.

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