Chapter Eleven

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|| Emy Gold's POV

The next day I woke up late in a bad mood. My eyes were puffy of all this crying and I did not even attended breakfast as Miranda has still not gotten home from the funeral she attended yesterday and Mr and Mrs Richardson was still on their trip. Moreover, I did not want to have breakfast with Anna so I preferred to stay in my room.  I had a very bad cold which was the result of yesterday. My whole day went on coughing and sneezing. 

My Sunday went on as boring as possible. Back in my parents' house, on Sunday, we used to go to outings where we would spent the day out and mom on the day before, prepared to many snacks which we would bring with us. It was amazing these days. Running down the memory lane was the only way now of remembering my parents. Here, I would go to school on weekdays and on weekend, I would remain alone. Sometimes Miranda kept me company and sometimes, she had to attend some conference meetings of their company especially on occasions when her son was out of country. Therefore, I would just remain home and my Sundays went on like that.

Adrian and Anna were not at home. It was not surprising for me as they are never home on weekends.

Therefore, I decided to indulge myself to my studies and suddenly a desire of visiting the public library washed over me. It was better to indulge myself in the books there rather than sitting here doing nothing.

The family had each a driver for their disposal and the library was a just about a few minutes of drive.

The public library was opened on Sundays and it was rather vacant. It was very big and I was in awe admiring the architecture of the place. It was opened in 1911; so it was ancient. I liked visiting some prominent historic places.

I walked over to find some books to read over the shelves. There was a lot interesting books, which I found could relieve my tediousness. As I removed a book on the shelf, to my astonishment, I eye contacted the person who saved me yesterday. To my amazement, he too was searching some books.

He looked at me amazed as much as I was and I smiled. As much as I was down in the dumps yesterday, it was rude of me not expressing my gratitude to him for saving me. He was the only one in that place who took the initiative to help me and I appreciated that.

At that, we decided to grab some books and sat down to read and I took a seat in front of me.

"Huh! Thank you for saving me yesterday!" I started as he lifted his gaze smiling at me.

"It's okay. I would have done this for anyone. No one deserve to be treated that way." He affirmed returning his gaze to his books.

I wondered what he was doing in the library especially on a Sunday afternoon. He appeared to be much different from Adrian and his friends. Adrian was very annoyed last night probably because of him. They surely have something bad going on between them.

He was very reserved and in assessing him, he typically appeared like some badboy instead of the bookworm type. We continued to read in silence and it was not at awkward, as typically everyone has to be quiet in a library.

"You live with the Richardson?" my eyes peeped up the moment I heard him whispering to me.

"Yeah! I just recently shifted there." I whispered responding him.

He said nothing for a moment looking down to his book and then a smirk crawled out from his mouth.

"How do you find them? The Richardson' siblings have not the best personalities." He deepened his smirk glancing my way.

"It was not nice the way they treated you especially when you are residing in their house." He argued more as I did not know what to tell him.

"Adrian can be nasty sometimes." He injected more as I cannot help but asked.

"Are you friends with him?"

"Well! I can say that we were friends for a while." He answered as he looked away to people around him. 

Something must have happened between them it seemed like he did not want to talk about it.

" I've never seen you in school before." he said changing the topic

" Yeah! it's been a month since I've transferred there" 

" cool! I've been there since I've been there since elementary." he declared as I widened my eyes.

I nodded reading my book and he continued to stare at me.

"Beware of Adrian! He can be mad sometimes and now that you are one of his victims; he will pin you even more." He declared as I shivered remembering yesterday.

"Just don't show him that you are afraid of him. That will worsen the situation. Have the audacity to confront him."

He was right. The weakness I had was that I was afraid of people who hurt me. Just like yesterday, I kept quiet and did not utter a word to him.

"By the way, my name's Jason Gessner." He stood up taking him backpack.

"Emy-Emy Gold" I shook my hand with him.

"Well Emy, hope to see you more in the future." He stated as he held the book in his hands to leave.

"Yeah!" I just uttered while he smiled leaving the library.

I hoped to see him more and I was glad that on this boring Sunday, I was able to make a new friend.

Like this, my Sunday ended on a good note and as I got home, I met with Miranda and we discussed everything in the garden with a good tea.

Miranda kept telling me about her demise friend while I narrated to her about my new friend. Evidently, I did not tell her about the yesterday's incidents, as I was sure that she would create a fuss. Therefore, I kept quiet. I did not want her grandchildren to have the impression that their grandmother was siding with something or me. I definitely did not want a quarrel-taking place for my sake.

The next day, I went to school alone. Anna has called to tell that she would be going directly to school. I was happy. At least I did not have to face her after what happened. Deeply inside, I have grown a dislike for both siblings.

And when I saw Anna entering the class, I did my upmost not to pay attention to her. I had enough of this anymore. 

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