Chapter Twenty

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|| Emy Gold's POV

Monday was hectic for me. Some exams had already started and the papers were more different and difficult from that of my former school. Bethany gave me a hand in handling my subjects otherwise it would be a chaos.

Lunchtime was here, I was in the hallways with Bethany. Actually, we were very hungry and hurriedly forwarding towards the cafeteria when I unexpectedly bumped into someone. I lifted my head up to see Jason smiling at me.

I have not met Jason lately because I visited the library intermittently these days. He was smiling looking down at me.

He followed us to the cafeteria.

"I applied to Harvard." He stated taking a seat with us.

"That's great!" I reacted vigorously.

Harvard is one of the best universities in the world. It is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally. I wish I could attend this kind of prestigious university one day.

"I just hope I'll be able to realise the dreams of my parents." Jason avowed glancing at me. Incontrovertibly, we are pretty much in the same situation. He knew that I would understand him better than anyone would.

"I just hope that I'll be able to succeed one day, be able to meet the expectations of my parents." I exclaimed tears blinking my eyes.

Jason did not say more. We definitely understand each other.

"Oh come on guys, let's change the topic or else I shall definitely cry." Bethany lifted her hands trying to ease the tension.

"Oh please, don't do that." Jason chucked looking at me.

I chucked; "yeah that would be so awkward."

Jason was quite accustomed with us. Noticeably, he did not had much friends like us which was evidently as in here all the students are deemed to build contacts which will in future help them in climbing the ladder of success. Unfortunately, for people like Jason and I, we were practically leftovers that were meant to be leave aside. All they can do is using us.

Bethany was in a better situation than we were. Her father was one of the attorneys of Mr Richardson and for this reason, Bethany was quite known among the students. However, Bethany does not like ostentatious people and she definitely dislikes lying. In fact, she preferred to enjoy the company of Jason and me rather than to trail behind Anna Richardson. Most of the girls even the seniors of tis school have only one big objective, to be recognized by Anna Richardson. I did not like these types of persons; it was as if they did not have any self-respect at all. Providentially, Bethany and I were compatible on that matter.

I was busy laughing on a joke that Bethany cracked cheering our moods when I saw Anna and her brother entering the place. They took a place not to far from us. Jason who was laughing with us had became brusquely alerted as he masked a neutral face glancing over them.

His friends were not here today. There were just Adrian and Anna at the table. They seemed indulged in a conversation and their faces were masked of seriousness. Everyone in the cafeteria were once and over gawking at them as if they were some sort of celebrities. However, they were accustomed with this kind of surroundings. I tried much not to peek at their table until I saw Lara Winston entering the cafeteria heading her way towards Adrian.

Predictably, as it was, she landed on the lap of his cheating boyfriend who did not even acknowledged his presence focusing on whatever conversation he was having with his sister. Anna was so composed and no even a single hint of embarrassment was displayed on her face seeing someone sitting on her brother's lap. Lara Winston did not mind either the serious conversation that was taking place; all she kept doing was playing with his hair.

The embarrassing scene that I witnessed in the weekend came snappishly in my mind as I recalled the act of that duplicitous person. How disgusting was that?

Bethany who was also staring their way cleared her throat turned her attention to us. Jason was focused on his phone as I grabbed some fries and tossed them in my mouth. As I glanced at the Richardson, I could not help but notice Anna who was already staring. Despite I saw her staring at me, she did not gaze away her eyes.

Horrifically, just as I lifted my eyes from Anna, my gaze meshed with Adrian, who was staring at me with the same intensity as his sister. He was rather glaring at me. His gaze was so unnerving that made me looked away instantaneously.

I wanted to get away from this place and in this; Jason and Bethany could help but agreed. It was better getting out of here especially when Adrian sporadically was glancing at our table putting us in a discomfited situation.

I got up carrying my tray and as ill-fated as I was, we had to pass by the Richardson's table. I just hope for Adrian not creating a scene knowing that he and Jason had many clashes among themselves. However, Adrian being a mind reader had to create an opposite situation that I envisioned.

He did not pick on Jason as I thought he would do, somewhat he released his vexation on me by forwarding his left foot on the passing way. Haplessly, I tripped over and fell flat on the floor with my tray crashed some few steps ahead of me making me the main attention of the lunchroom. I froze I fell drastically on my face and I felt the pain surging onto me. my face was so red that I was willing to run away from that place immediately.

"Oops..." Adrian sniggered with a clear smirk concealing on his face. It did not take much time for us to guess that his act was intentional.

I was too embarrassed to retort back to him as every students present in this lunchroom were all gawking laughing at my fall. Bethany and Jason approached me, helping me to stand on my feet. Bethany took my hand and secured it over her shoulders holding me. My knees were bleeding and I noticed later that I also had a broken nose from that hardnosed fall. I looked pathetic.

I looked over Adrian to see him sneering and Lara Winston seemed to be enjoying the little act that his boyfriend had paraded in front of her.

"What the heck Richardson?" Jason fumed glaring at Adrian.

Adrian plastered an annoying reaction on his face removed his fling out of his lap gruffly which made Lara stumbled to keep her balance. It was quite funny to watch that. Good for her for laughing at me.

"What the fuck Gessner?" He rebuked widening his nostrils in anger.

It was clear that he was discernibly picking a fight with Jason and he used me as a medium to execute his devilish acts.

Both were glaring at each other ready for a fight. This was the least I wanted. I did not want Jason to be in some sort of problem because of me. I glanced over at Anna to see staring at me plastering a neutral expression on her face. I knew what she was thinking. I could not let this turn into a brawl and let Adrian win this time.

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